Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I'm late posting this.

Emma had her tonsil and adenoid surgery Nov. 11

All things considered she did beautifully. She wasn't really scared or anything. The hospital was a great children's hospital here so they had all the fun bells and whistles for distraction. Emma's favorite was a TV that swung anyway she wanted it while she was in bed. Cartoons 4 inches from her face....greeeeeeat.

After surgery, she was crying at first. Scared mostly I think. Then when I got there and she snuggled in she was just quiet. Loved her Popsicles.

She got a grand exit in the wagon. She thought that was pretty cool. Sat in there like the freakin Queen of England.
After she got home the boys had loved on her with flowers a balloon and a "Get Well" ribbon.
The first 2 days after surgery she was talking and eating her soft food just fine. In fact, she would even ask for the crunchy food and we'd have to tell her no and watch her pout.
But, about the 3rd day after surgery she started to really feel the ouch. 6Th day was worse. Its like all the numbys had worn off and she was hurting.
The one thing I don't want to forget about this surgery is how different her voice is now. Before, she was so nasally. Deeper voice. Now she has this high tinkly little voice. A real little girl voice. Imagine, lollipop guild meets helium, but in a good way. Its great.
The very very best part is this. Randy went to check on her 2 weeks back while she was sleeping. When he came out he said "Do you know what I heard in Emma's room?" "What?" I said. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." This is the greatest thing. Before she snored, awful. She'd stop breathing then would gasp when she "remembered" to breathe again. Not hearing a sound while she's sleeping, is priceless.

This is a video from after surgery. She has finally woken up a bit to eat her 1st popscicle. She was doing this super weird tongue thing. Then saying even weirder things. "Bust off!"

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Im upstairs when the timer rings on my cupcakes.

Wyatt: "MOOOOOOM!! Come down and get your cupcakes before you burn them like you do everything else!"

I come downstairs scowling.
Me: *snappy mom tone* "Dont be mean, Wyatt."

I go into the kitchen to tend to the cupcakes.. Wyatt from the living room....

Wyatt: "I know you work hard mom, I wasnt trying to be mean."

I dont say anything in reply cause now he made me feel guilty for snapping at him.

But then...

Wyatt: "Mom?"
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "Remember when you burned the stapler that was on the oven?"
Me: "Yea."
Wyatt: "Remember when you burned the handle to the spatula?"
Me: (getting irritated) "Yea."
Wyatt: "Remember when you burned the oven mitt?"
Me: (irritated further) "Yeeaaaaaa."
Wyatt: (as cool as can be) "Thats all Im sayin'"

Guilty feeling is now gone.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Tiger

With Kindergarten has come the rite of passage and time old tradition of boy scouts.

He loves it. He really is putting forth a lot of effort during the meetings. He has been working hard to learn the "shake" the "motto" and all that jazz.
Yesterday I went to the scouts store while he was a school. I thought I'd surprise him by getting all his uniform stuff together before his meeting tonight. $70 later (Oh yea! for a stinkin button down shirt, hat, scarf tack, patches and book) so a whole lot of bitching about cost on my part, I was at home trying like hell to attach these patches. I didn't finish before he got home like I wanted., While I was tacking the corners because the cheater adhesive strips weren't holding Wyatt was watching. I finished 2 minutes before we had to leave. I told Wyatt to come put his uniform shirt on.
*Cue Rocky music* Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Du Duh....Duh Duh Duh Da da daaa daa da daaa daaaaa!!!!!!
He stalked over to that shirt with a mad purpose and a Cheshire cat grin. He looked like he was about to put on the single most important 100% cotton garment of his life. Grinning the entire time he buttoned then gave me a thumbs up when he was all done.
From the moment he put on that shirt with such pride and purpose he became a dedicated little tiger scout and I buried my gripe over the cost of the uniform.
I think we have finally found Wyatt's "thing."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Super Emma

Emma - "Im a super hero!"

Me: "Oh yea? You fight crime?"

Emma - "No, I fix stuff."

Me: "Fix?"

Emma- "Yea, what can I do for you?"

Me: "Can you put the laundry in the hamper?"

Emma- "No."

Me- "Can you clean up the living room?"

Emma- "No"

Me- "What will you fix?"

Emma- "I fix your foot."

Me- "Ok"

Emma then kissed my foot, then promptly ran into the kitchen to fix the backdoor too. Apparently it was broken.

It was a fun afternoon with Emma today. She was taking flying leaps and running all over hell and gone. It was hillarious.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 month update :)

The house is 90% unpacked and put away. I don't much feel like putting anything on the walls. I don't really feel like this is my house. Slowly I'm putting up the kids creations, but that's about it.

I don't like it here. I don't care for my neighborhood. I'm having a hard time making friends. (most likely my own fault) I don't remember this funk when I moved to San Diego.

Oh the plus side...

Wyatt is doing fantastic in school. He likes going, I only get maybe 1 complaint a week about not wanting to get up to go. He seems happy and thriving. Loves math. Detests writing/reading. We are working on that. When it comes to writing, its like he gives up before he even starts. Reading is the same way. I know he knows the stuff. I know he can read. I know he can write. He just doesn't want to apply it for some reason. I'll have to read up on some ways to help him. We are both just getting frustrated. He LOVES math concepts though. Loves writing numbers. Loves counting. Loves adding... all of it. I'm thankful for that.

Emma's talking is getting better. She still sounds nasally. Our military insurance is a pain in the ass. Its been months and we still haven't been able to see an ENT. This kid needs surgery, like, yesterday. I have her in MOPS with me, we have a regular story time (which here, is awesome. its actually something you sign up for and its like a little class...so cute!) and I arrange a play date once a week. Next week she'll be starting a 9-1 school once a week.

Randy has been out to sea a lot. I forgot about all the workups they do pre-deployment. He will be gone for the entire month of October. Good news is he will barely be out anymore the rest of the year. So...yay.

Today is our 8th anniversary.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wyatt the 1st grader

Today was Wyatt's first day of 1st grade!

Wyatt went to school this morning like a champ.


Me: "Wyatt its time to get up!" (opens shades)

Wyatt: "We're going to school in the dark?!"
Me: "No, lets go eat breakfast." (I explained about 1st grade and no snack time and the importance of a big full tummy in the morning.)

Wyatt: "Alright! Lets get tummy fillin!"

He got a special Krispy Kreme treat that daddy left for him and then I made him eat something that did not contain buttloads of sugar after. ;)

He was excited, totally not nervous, not "skeptical" at all. He found his classroom by himself and settled right in. I took a million pictures and said "ok I'm going" as many times. When I finally went:
Me "Ok Wyatt, I'm really going now, be good, I love you"
Wyatt: "Ok Mom, see ya later."

That's it?! That's freakin it?! No whimpering? No tears? No preamble to leaving your lil butt there for 6 hours? Nothing? I was a tad disturbed that my lack of presence in the 1st grade classroom would have stirred up more of a ruckus...but alas, my boy is growing up. So away I went with "something in my eye."

Emma was all tears and yelling. She was angry that she didnt get to go to school too.

2:30pm pick up

Me: "How was your first day!?"

Wyatt: *tsk* "We didnt do anything fun all we did is learn!"

He kept saying that over and over. He did have a good day though, his teacher said he didnt get frustrated until the very very end of the day when it was time to go (all the people leaving wigged him out) He was a happy kid when he left school today though.

It was a fine first day and he is actually looking forward to tomorrow. 100% improvement over last year!

Remember This?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hmmm. One month of living here and we get our very first Hurricane watch. Yippie! Wyatt had just been warming to the idea of tornados...now... meh.
So Im mulling over the city outlined evacuation routes, suggested kit items, things you need to do when the hurricane is imminent, like turning off your own power.
*ahem* Yet another reason for me to hate this place. Stupid hurricanes.
Apparently the Atlantic Fleets official position in the event of hurricanes hitting our coast is to fee to sea. What this means for my family is that I get to wade our the hurricane with 2 kids and Randy gets to go float at sea safely away from the hurricane. Nice huh ?
Do I sound bitter? ha!

Wyatt will be starting school next week. 1st grade! Wow. I dont feel the "wow, where has the time gone" thing. I feel more a proudness for the situation. Wyatt has his "skeptical" face on when it comes to school. Im hoping this year goes more smoothly than last year for him.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

An aerial view of half the backyard. :)

Fun with the gratuitous amount of packing paper
& first day of boxes (thank goodness we are 75% done!)

Emma defending the nest. (VB Aquarium Trails)

This is their first reaction to the new house

Monday, August 23, 2010

All Moved

We are all moved and tucked into Virginia Beach, VA.
Yay? Not so much. Yay that the move is over...definitely. Not so much because the weather here is insanely hot and can only be described as the 7th circle of hell. Not so much because the kids really really miss home. Emma keeps asking if we can "Go to Grandmas?" or "Go lunch with Ms. Lisa?" Wyatt every few days right before bed will do big ole' tears along with "I miss all my friends soooo much. I miss everything about Racine..." and so on and so on. So we have taken up with calling people right before bed on those nights and Wyatt chats and chats.....and chats....and chats.....and chats......
Its a work in progress here. We'll get the hang of it.

The house. The house is great. Really great. More modern than I'm used to from my Racine cottage. The backyard is HUUUUUUUGE. The kids LOVE it. The whole thing is carpeted...which I can now safely say that when we purchase our forever home it WILL NOT have carpet.

Our neighbors are....I dont know yet. We had GREAT neighbors in San Diego and even greater neighbors in Racine.  Apparently on this cul-de-sac street parking in front of your house is crucial and you will be strung up in a tree and prodded with red hot pokers if you park in front of someone elses house. WHICH...is hard considering 2 of the houses on this street have 5 cars each. So...people are parking front end to curb (not alongside) and double parking. Its so weird and looks tacky as hell. So yeah...Its going to be an adjustment.

Wyatt is all registered for school. He is fairly excited for 1st grade although "skeptical" describes him more. His school is ginormous. 900 kids in one elementary school. His class size though...is 2 to 15. Isnt that crazy? Such a small class. Its nice. There are 9 1st grade rooms. yowza. We'll give it a year.

Still don't have our "doctor placement" yet. We are so close to Military Treatment Facilities that we are supposed to go there rather than civilian docs. Which means our insurance picks who we see. Which means...we still don't have doctors. Which means...Emma still has sleep apnea and still has trouble spitting out sentences. Shes tries so hard though. Her vocab is great, but you can see that she struggles to spit out words. She swallows every 3 words. Poor girl. I hope Tricare pulls their heads our their asses soon so I can get my daughter in surgery. By all means, take your bleedin time.

Randy's schedule sucks. Every 5 days he has duty ... which means he doesn't come home that night. His ship is in and out and will be gone completely for the month of October. That should be a nice surprise for the kids. Cross that big ass freakin bridge when we get to it.

I tried signing up with a few mommy groups. Waa waa waa waaaaaaa. I got stood up twice. That was unpleasant. I've met with 2 more groups since then. I'll try to give it a few more shots before I throw in the towel. The problem, I think, is that I had such a well organized and familiar group back home. I never felt out of place there, I knew everyone, we knew their kids. I now have a profound respect for people that enter into a new mommy club and don't know a soul. It's hard to crack that nut. I didn't realize just how hard it is to get accepted into a new group. I've been in one so long that Id forgotten.

Anywho. We are not all unpacked yet. Its a work in progress. With the absence of a basement, Its making things tricky.

I'm off for now...someone is coming over to take all the empty boxes. kids will be sad...boxes made a good fort and all the packing paper was fun to throw around.

I'll upload the pictures when Randy gets home tomorrow night. They are all on his computer. bleh.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So much.

So much has happened. Which is why I've nixed the postings lately.

Emma has turned 3. My sassy little handful, Emma. We had an early morning cake as is tradition here. I went in and decorated her room with streamers and balloons the night before (which she still is not allowing me to take down!) I let her pick out a toy at Toys R Us...she chose an electric toy guitar. Which really...as far as battery operated toys go...isn't all that annoying.
I will load up some pics just as soon as I load the new program for my new camera that replaced the last one after i dropped it on the lens. My bad.

You have kept me on my toes these 3 years. This last past year more than most. You are just coming into a loving side. You will give me random kisses and hugs...and I whole heartily prefer it over the last year of 1 second bouts of affection. You still have your "devil eye" The look that you give someone right before you do something that you KNOW is going to piss them off. "The Devil is Free! hes speaks through me!" And the foot stomp! Gods help us the foot stomp! Love and hate it equally. Little Ms. Verruca. But we love you all the more for it. Wyatt is your best friend. You both play wonderfully together and I love to watch. You are about to get your tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put back in your ears. Hopefully this will help you speak, sweety. I know you are trying so hard.
I love you sassy sweet bebe.


Randy will be home this Wednesday. Then the fun starts. Rummage Sale, Going away party, movers coming and going, finishing the house for the renters and then off to concrete hell....ahem ... err I mean Norfuck...ahem *cough* Norfolk, Virginia. whew.
We have a house. We have renters. We're off again.

I have no illusions. This will suck. I do not look forward to this move. I'm numb to this whole crap fest. Please do help me find the silver lining. But chances are I will be able to poo poo any suggestion you may have. Just sayin.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Wyatt is a Kindergarten Graduate!!

The kids did this cute program where they sang 2 songs (that Wyatt mouthed....thanks for humoring me kid!) and then they walked up got their diplomas (God in heaven don't say that its a "certificate" around Wyatt... you will get a lecture on how its a "diploma" NOT a "certificate") then they stood under the arbor and paused to accept their applause. Which Wyatt totally milked. He stood up there and accepted their applause with a HUGE smile on his face. So stinkin' cute. I cant believe how far he's come this year. I'm so proud of him.


Emma needs to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. As well as having her tubes put back in. Doc thinks this will help her speech and may make her get an interest in food again. Apparently the sides of her throat are almost touching. Now we just have to decide whether or not were going to have the surgery here or VA. If we have it here, it would feel like were rushing through it. I dunno.

Oh... I made Emma a dress...

It was pretty easy. My friend Lisa gave me a step by step tutorial. Thanks Lisa! ;)


The house is off the market and is now for rent. We've had a lot of interest, but not sure who we are going to go with yet. Seems everyone has a "story" and not one are the "safe bet" Its terrifying. We are looking to move right after 4th of July.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yea. I just don't know.
Did you know a pull-up can be a hat as well?
Emma... Emma... Emma... This girl is so silly. I've always said she has this music playing in her head at all times. Shes got this whole rhythm to her that so uniquely Emma. She's the most challenging little thing but a lot of fun and never a dull moment.
He vocab has boomed. Although she prefers to speak in 2-3 word phrases. She will try to get her point across with as little words as possible.
She has also recently surprised me. I had no idea she knew all her colors, can completely undress herself/redress as well as write "M" as her name. Feels like all that happened overnight and she let me know all in one day that she could do these things. Its interesting.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Penis...The Built-in Thermometer.

I ran a bath for Wyatt and M.
Wyatt gets in. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. My penis says thats the right temperature."
Me: "What...?"
Wyatt: "My penis. It talks to me and tells me if the water is too hot or too cold."

Seriously. So far out of my comfort zone on this one. I remain silent.

The Old Days...

Wyatt said to me today "I remember when I was a baby, those were good times."

Clearly child... our visions of "good times" differ greatly..but you're still cute.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Wyatt: "I think he's coming tonight!"
Me: "The Easter Bunny?"
Wyatt: "Yes!"
Me: "I dont know... have you been good?"
Wyatt: "Have I?"
Me: "I don't know, have you?"
Wyatt: "Well... besides a few minor outbursts, yea."
Easter was good. The kids each received scooters. They thought it was pretty awesome. We visited a new church. They both had their own learning rooms while I was in service. Emma loved it, Wyatt hated it. I think because church service ran 2 hours long! Yikes... wasn't even a Catholic service! But it was a very cool church. Its sanctuary was like a freaking theater, the first part was like this Christian Rock concert... I've never ever been to a church where people clapped after performances! It was a pretty awesome experience.
Lunch at grandpas house then by the time we got home the kids were pooped.
It was a good day... would have only been better if Daddy was home.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Body Modification

Every few years or so I get the itch for body modification. Be it piercing, tattoos etc.

The force is strong these days. I will eventually cave. Its been 4 years since I've had something pierced. Far too long I say.

Im thinking this. Ladies and Gentlemen... The Marilyn

Potty Time!!

M has been flirting with the potty for a week now. She sort of just sat there and camped out a while. I let her, because well, its not hurting anything and I figure the longer shes on there the greater the chance of her having to actually pee.
It all panned out yesterday.

She was sitting on the potty forever when I came in and told her to get up its time to go. With that we hear "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!" She whips her head around to stare at her nether-regions and this foreign liquid emanating from said region. We both gasped. And she looks up at me with a look that can only be described as a light bulb going off. "Ooooh! THAT'S what you wanted me to do while I sat here unravelling the toilet paper roll!?" She was so stinkin excited and proud. Since yesterday morning she has went 4 more times.

Never in my life would I thought I'd be so damned proud of someone peeing in a toilet!

Tonights Dinner - "Public Enemy No.1"

I cooked Kings Squares for the first time today. Made it using taco seasoning.

Wyatt: "Never cook Kings Squares again. Its the enemy of your mouth!"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wyatt: "What is a number higher than 100?"
Me: "101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110?"
Wyatt: (shakes his head slowly) "I will never understand you for a 110 years."

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We are in the grocery store when Wyatt asks me:

Wyatt: "Mom, do you want to make cannibal soup?"

Me: "What?!"

Wyatt: "Cannibal Soup! Ya hungry for it?"

Me: "Whaaat?!"

Wyatt: "ya know, it tastes like chicken?"

Me: "Whaaaaaat?!"

Wyatt: (Pointing to a can of Campbells) " This one!"

Me: "ooooh. No thanks, somehow Im not hungry for it right now."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sock Hop

Me: "Hey Wyatt! You know you have a Sock Hop at school tomorrow?"

Wyatt: "Yea! I would like to go to that."

Me: "Do you know what a sock hop is?"

Wyatt: "Yes. Its when you hop around in your socks only."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Wyatt has been tip toeing around death. Questions, I mean. It started a few days ago with a few general questions here and there. No biggie. Excepting for the fact that Im VERY uncomfortable with death as well as talks involving heaven etc etc. Its unfamiliar ground, if you will.
Tonight before bed we had this conversation :

Wyatt: "Do parents die before kids?"

Me: (ok, so my mind is racing, do I say yes? or do I say sometimes?) "Parents dont usually die until they are very very old. Then they go to heaven to be with God."

Wyatt: "But you said you stopped growing"

Me: (I told him yesterday that Im all done growing and I wont get any taller) "Yes, Im done getting taller, but everyday I get a little older. Everyone does. Everyday people get older."

Wyatt: "Am I going to die? I dont want to die!!"

Me: (Careful mom) "Not until you are very very very old"

Wyatt: "Are you going to die?"

Me: (DANGER, DANGER!) "Not until you are a very old man with a wife and kids of your own."

Wyatt: "Whens my birthday?"

Me: (OH THANK GOD! We have moved on from this conversation)
"In a little under a year"


Me: (SHIT!) "No! Good gravy Wyatt!"

Wyatt: "I dont want you to send me away to heaven!"

Me: (Well played mom, well played) "Where do you want to go!?"

Wyatt: "I just want to stay in the house!"

Me: (Kind of wish the floor would just swallow me) God Wyatt! *kiss, kiss* You are not going to die, Im not going to die, we are all going to get old and be happy, go to sleep, dream of a playground or a swingset or a freakin' swimming pool!"

I swear next time Im lying. "We are going to live forever." I think I made it worse.
Yikes. Is all I can say. I seriously would rather have a conversations about penises and vagina's, and proper condom usage than have another discussion about death.

Mmmm ahhh

Emma dumped out 2 whole bottles of shampoo and conditioner onto the bathroom floor. Was a bitch to clean up but on the plus side, this joint smells like cherry almond now.

Monday, March 15, 2010


The visit with dad went well.
Wyatt and I had all these big ideas of places we wanted to go with dad but they were quickly abandoned after he got here. I think we all just wanted to hang around at home and be with each other. (Cant really do that at Betty Brinns!)
It was a great visit and I think it may have done Wyatt some good. Now he knows that dad will come visit and his being gone is only temporary.
When Randy got in the car from the airport Emmas face lit up and it was ll "Daddy! Daddy! I looove yoooou!"
(HOURS after he got home) It was sweet to hear Wyatt whisper to dad, "Im happy you're home daddy, I missed you"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Visit from Daddy

Randy will be coming home for a visit tomorrow night. He'll be here until Sunday night.
Im very excited to see him of course and Emma will be over the moon, but Wyatt is a bit more cautious than that. He's hyper-aware that dad is only going to be here for 2 days. And he prefers that "dad stays here forever" Im getting the feeling that dads quick trip home is just going to cause a huge ripple in Wyatts behavior after he leaves Sunday.
As it is Wyatt finally had an emotional enema over Randy's being gone. The other day he had some tears and some yelling over the whole shit and shaboodle. This kid is not a happy camper. And I haven't a clue how to deal with it. Im doing the best I can, saying the things I think need to be said but I have this horrible feeling that this Randy here then gone crap is going to be character building towards the negative. Ya know ? His behavior hasn't been good at school since Randy left. Am I being too "granola mom" by blaming it on the trauma of Randy being gone so long ? Would I feel better if I could say that this spurt of crap behavior is normal 6 year old boy stuff and it will be gone as quick as it came? You betcha.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The things they say

Emma heard some geese outside the other day, we went to investigate. She saw them all up in the air, then promptly headed back for the door, yelling, "No!! Don't poop on me!" Interesting... when she chooses to finally belt out a sentence... THATS what she comes out with.

Wyatt has informed me that the reason our house isnt selling is because of the painting above the fireplace. Apparently he thinks its "gauche"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My little Man

Happy Birthday to Wyatt. Turned 6 years old on the 5th of February. (Yes I've been THAT busy where its taken me this long to write about it)

He got a bike :)

We celebrated his birthday twice. Once while daddy was still here and then again on his real birthday. I honestly believe I was just trying to overcompensate because I feel guilty that Randy will be gone until June and wasn't here on his birthday.

So. We had a "Mario Kart Cake" complete with Lego retaining wall. And the "Green Smiley Cake" To each his own I say. He loved them and had a big hand in making both.

Hard to believe he's 6 and will be in first grade next fall. Its so cliche to say that it goes by fast, but by God does it ever.

At this age you have an astoundingly profound understanding of the world around you. You see things in your world that most folks are too busy to see or bother to understand. Its refreshing to see things out of your eyes.
You continue to entertain us all with your quips and humor. I have a whole journal dedicated to your Wyattisms.
You are not a naughty child. In fact, you skirt around naughty like no other. I tell everyone to imagine naughty as a ball. Now, instead of kicking that ball, you just sort of brush it with your toe. For example: You were mad and crumbled something all over the table. When I told you to clean it you told me calmly "I will not. Not ever. I will not clean that up." I grabbed for your Lego car and said, (Like the mature adult in the situation I am) "Clean that up, or I'll smash this car." You looked at me calmly and said "That's ok, I have the instructions." There, right there, you took all my power away. You disarmed me. That is your brand of naughty. Its truly entertaining and patronizing all at the same time.

You're a very charming child. I hope you never lose your unique character. In your words and as you always tell me, "You're a rockstar. You'll always be a rockstar. And you'll always be beautiful."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello 2010!

Christmas was awesome here. The kids had a blast. Wyatt and Emma were sweet and well behaved. (for the most part) Wyatt told us that "All his dreams came true." Can't ask for better than that.

(Christmas Eve Party)
(Christmas Morning)
(Annual New Years Eve Silly String and Confetti Party)

Randy has been off since the end of December and is going to stay home with us till he leaves the end of June. Did I forget to mention ? Randy is getting whisked away to sunny San Diego for 5 months for training then from there goes right to Norfolk, VA. He wont be back home in between. Me and the kids will be staying here in freezing cold Wisconsin. Ack. This is going to be a huge adjustment to the kids. Everyday I wonder if this Daddy Leaving lifestyle crap with damage our kids in some way. I feel like I'm not equipped to handle their emotions for it. I don't know how to make them feel better about it, because I don't even know how to make me feel better about it. Its going to be a bumpy year for us. God I hope we are making the right choice. The economy sucks... people are losing their jobs... I get that. But me and the children will not see Randy more than 7 months in the next year and a half. That sucks in so many ways.

Anyway... onto more pleasant things. Here are the kids with their new crayon books. Made by Beth over at http://www.etsy.com/shop/weepereas

Wyatt is a wise little man. Emma is a little smart ass. I love it. Shes talking a lot more lately. She is such a feisty spitfire. Wyatt is maturing way to fast for my liking. So analytical and literal. He is a very smart little guy.

(Emma in the 1st snow of the season)

(Wyatt at the Home Depot Calendar Workshop)

Ok. As far as my kids go. These videos rock. Emma's is... well... so freakin Emma. No one pouts like that child. The second is Wyatt. He NEVER sings. I mean NEVER. Ever. ever. So this was amazing to hear. A true choral delight.

About Me

My photo
Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.