Friday, September 4, 2009


Wyatt is officially a Kindergarten student!

We took him to the school's open house (the day before the 1st day) and he loved his classroom, was excited he recognized another kid and when we asked him what he thought of his new school, he said, "It's Perrrrfect!"
He was nearly jumping out of his skin with excitement the morning of his first day.

Emma and I got him all settled into his room and I gave him a hug and kiss (which I had to ask for... he was too busy playing for it to be offered)

I started to walk out of the building and Emma started to panic "Y?" "Y?" By the time we got to the car she was in full pout mode...

And I was in full cry mode...

Yeah ok... I thought I wouldn't cry, but damn it. I know it's cliche but ... where exactly did the time go? Kindergarten? Really? Already? That snuck up fast.

I picked him up over 6 hours later...

He was mad. "School was TOO LONG! I don't want to come back here EVER AGAIN! We were supposed to have free toy time... that's why I told them we should NEVER have gone on the scavenger hunt!"

About an hour of yelling and screaming I found out that A scavenger hunt of the school ran long and they did not get to have free toy time at the end of the day, that was on schedule. He was PISSED! And he thinks the days are entirely too long. He's right though. 8:05 to 2:50 is a heck of a long day for a 5 year old. 11am lunch, 12 to 12:25 rest time?? Its a lot.

He's been in school for 4 days and each day he's told me that the day is too long. But by today (the 4th day) I think he's getting used to it.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.