With Kindergarten has come the rite of passage and time old tradition of boy scouts.
He loves it. He really is putting forth a lot of effort during the meetings. He has been working hard to learn the "shake" the "motto" and all that jazz.
Yesterday I went to the scouts store while he was a school. I thought I'd surprise him by getting all his uniform stuff together before his meeting tonight. $70 later (Oh yea! for a stinkin button down shirt, hat, scarf tack, patches and book) so a whole lot of bitching about cost on my part, I was at home trying like hell to attach these patches. I didn't finish before he got home like I wanted., While I was tacking the corners because the cheater adhesive strips weren't holding Wyatt was watching. I finished 2 minutes before we had to leave. I told Wyatt to come put his uniform shirt on.
*Cue Rocky music* Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Du Duh....Duh Duh Duh Da da daaa daa da daaa daaaaa!!!!!!
He stalked over to that shirt with a mad purpose and a Cheshire cat grin. He looked like he was about to put on the single most important 100% cotton garment of his life. Grinning the entire time he buttoned then gave me a thumbs up when he was all done.
From the moment he put on that shirt with such pride and purpose he became a dedicated little tiger scout and I buried my gripe over the cost of the uniform.
I think we have finally found Wyatt's "thing."