The house is 90% unpacked and put away. I don't much feel like putting anything on the walls. I don't really feel like this is my house. Slowly I'm putting up the kids creations, but that's about it.
I don't like it here. I don't care for my neighborhood. I'm having a hard time making friends. (most likely my own fault) I don't remember this funk when I moved to San Diego.
Oh the plus side...
Wyatt is doing fantastic in school. He likes going, I only get maybe 1 complaint a week about not wanting to get up to go. He seems happy and thriving. Loves math. Detests writing/reading. We are working on that. When it comes to writing, its like he gives up before he even starts. Reading is the same way. I know he knows the stuff. I know he can read. I know he can write. He just doesn't want to apply it for some reason. I'll have to read up on some ways to help him. We are both just getting frustrated. He LOVES math concepts though. Loves writing numbers. Loves counting. Loves adding... all of it. I'm thankful for that.
Emma's talking is getting better. She still sounds nasally. Our military insurance is a pain in the ass. Its been months and we still haven't been able to see an ENT. This kid needs surgery, like, yesterday. I have her in MOPS with me, we have a regular story time (which here, is awesome. its actually something you sign up for and its like a little cute!) and I arrange a play date once a week. Next week she'll be starting a 9-1 school once a week.
Randy has been out to sea a lot. I forgot about all the workups they do pre-deployment. He will be gone for the entire month of October. Good news is he will barely be out anymore the rest of the year. So...yay.
Today is our 8th anniversary.