Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ain't it perty ?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Damned Drunk Drivers

Not one but BOTH of my PARKED cars were hit by a drunk driver about 9 last night. She ran FAST and head on into Randy's car which then flew back 7ft into my front end. Neither one of our cars are drivable.

They are still sitting outside my house. Its hard to get a tow on a holiday weekend, let alone an open garage to take them too.The woman "supposedly" has Progressive, but they asked her when she was drunk, so who knows. This will be her THIRD DUI

Christ that could have been my house she ran into or God Forbid a kid. Randy had to pull her out of her car, she was not hurt. But soo sooo drunk and probably concust. Shes like "Wooooow, is thaaaat myyyy caaaaar???" I said, Yes you stupid bitch, and the cars smashed behind it are both mine, your fucking lucky it wasn't my kids... blah blah" A neighbor lady was taking care of her (keeping her seated) lucky for that lady, because I was going to beat her senseless. I had to walk away. I swear, I could have killed her. Not because of my cars, but because of the astounding stupidity. She was SO drunk. You could smell her.

Ya think calling your insurance company would put you more at ease ? I have Geico. The lady I was talking to basically couldn't tell me anything. I think I have to wait until after the Holiday to move or do anything. I have NO IDEA where to tow these cars or how to get paid, or how long this is going to take. I swear to God if this whole thing ends up costing me money I'm going to have kittens.

Oh OH OH!! And then, this morning Randy went to turn on Cartoons for Wyatt......our TV blinked out. The tube is shot. Lovely. Not the most horrible thing in the world, but its like... Do I have a kick me sign on ? Is this Karma. God, Randy's car (1) Sarah's Car (2) TV (3) We have 3, are we done now ?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tick Tick Tick

Just 1 more week and the project is over. It should be a great event, I'll be relieved when I see more than 50 people show up.

Wyatt has been on a whole different dimension lately. He has been smacking Emma with things, pushing her over when she tries to stand. Not sure what to do about this. She is getting so banged up. There's only so many times I can say "Sister is little, she loves you, we can't hurt her." or something to that effect. It's clearly not working. Maybe one on one only Wyatt time? Is he jealous or something?
Parenting is hard. Really Really Hard. I feel like one false move and my kid is going to be the one climbing the clock-tower, or talking to a therapist saying "it all started when my mother...."

As of today, Emma has5 teeth. You'd think that means shes going to take an active roll in eating "people" food ? Not so much. She would drink only milk all day if I let her.

Between parenting the bobsy twins, finishing the safety fair, and dealing with Military B.S. I have been a real out of touch person. I barely return phone calls, or check email, let alone caller ID, so if you have called me and didn't leave a message, I seriously have no idea if you called me. Im praying that after the safety fair is done, I'll be able to de-stress.

Ya is really my fault Im stressed. Im sure if it was anyone else coordinating this thing, they wouldnt make it look this difficult. :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Things Old Things

I've been too mopey to sit and blog lately. I'm working on a community project that has really drained the life out of me. It's a lot of work and on the days when I work on it I'm on the phone and computer more than I am playing with my kids. It's almost over with though and then I will take a back seat and reconnect with the rest of my life.

As Wyatt puts it, we went "junkin'" this past weekend. For .75¢ we bought the same popcorn maker my family had when I was his age.
He was completely amazed by this thing. Hey if .75¢ can make him happy...who-ra!

Wyatt's really doing great. Im really proud. Still working on proper writing grasp. Its that one thing he's just not getting. He'll do it for a little bit, but then were back to full fist. Grr.

He has also come full circle with affection. He went through this phase where he couldn't hug you without making it a joke or something silly. Now he's giving out hugs left and right and telling me that I'm the best mommy. Finally! I live for those moments.

Emma is still pussy-footin' around with the walking thing. She really thinks she can, so she'll stand up kinna bounce and then, nothing. Or she falls and hurts herself. I still can't get over what a polar opposite she is of Wyatt at that age. I have to constantly watch her, she is always into something. With Wyatt, I only had to tell him "no" remove him, and he didn't go for it again. Em ? Oh hell no. It's annoying, but really funny. Its just her. It's just Em.

Oh.. and I'll leave with the reason I switched to vinegar and baking soda window wash.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.