Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Dad

Thanks so much for this. Best Christmas present ever.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fewer Updates

Since my mum has moved in and is now inhabiting my office I don't get online as much to update my blog. I have started a handwritten journal that I've been keeping all of Wyatt's quips and Emma's updates in. There is always something new with these guys, ya know?
Halloween was fun. Emma's Grandma Cindy made her a great Princess Dress and Randy and I made Wyatt a Spongebob box.

Funny how quick Emma caught onto the trick or treat thing. She watched how it was done twice then took off running.... literally. It was a sight; the two of the trying to get to the next house first. They stayed out 2 hours! And it was really cold too!

Emma has finally gotten the speech boost I've been hoping for. We aren't into sentences yet, but we are getting close. Her longest phrase is "Ready, Set, Go!" Shes started saying things like: Apples Juice, Bless You, Grandma's (or whoever) Car. I'm really trying to push pronouns and she is trying her damnedest to avoid them. I don't care really, I'm just tickled pink that's she trying so hard to talk and make her needs known. It's a scary thing when they are crying and whining for something and you have to play 50 questions/gestures to figure out what it is.

When she is about to make a 2 or 3 word phrase, she stops after each word to actively think about what comes next. So you have to be really patient and let her finish. Its well worth the wait.

Wyatt has adjusted to school finally. Whew. He still is asking how many days of school until the weekend and then how many days off to we have? At 5 and 3/4's he has finally learned the fine art of sneaky lying. In that I mean that its harder to read the signs of a fib. Its interesting.
He's also developed this "Man" attitude towards me. In voice inflection and tone as well as the thought delivery. Sort of like I am man, you are a piddly woman, now deliver snack to me on a silver platter." I can't really explain except to say I hope to everything holy that it goes away soon.
Ha... here's a good one its actually kind of thoughtful on his part:
Me: "You're going to be a doctor when you grow up."
Wyatt: "Whether being a doctor or a "Fixer Man" is good enough for me."
Me: "What did you say?"
Wyatt: "I meant what I said."

Oh.... and here is the fundamental difference between Wyatt and Emma.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

School Updates and Such

Wyatt still doesn't really care for school but he's been a bit more accepting. On a Monday he will ask "How many more days of school left." I'd reply "5." On a Wednesday he would ask, "How many more days left?" I'd reply "2." On a Friday he would say "Today is the last day then how many days off of school?" I'd reply "2." He would then shoot his arms up in there air and yell "Whoo Hoo!" Its been like that for a few weeks now. Pretty funny that at the tender age of 5 he has learned to seriously appreciate his weekends. Is 5 too young to be dreading a school/work week and counting down the days till the weekend? I keep telling him that he's going to be in school till he has a Doctorate so he better stop counting now.

Emma is well. She has finally started to put 2 word combo's together. Ya know, for as much as I talk and read to these kids, you'd think that their speech would be the first thing to develop and excel?

Something about M. I think that there is a satellite radio that is piped into her brain playing a little ditty. That girl
will just be walking along... stop... give a little bounce, jingle with some deep shoulder action... then go about her merry way. Strangest damn thing. If you tell her "shimmy shimmy" She will do something that looks like the twist and she'll do it all the way to the floor. Too darn cute. I think... dance lessons for Christmas? If anything it would give her an outlet for her overflowing dance/wiggle/shimmy energy.

Other things. Mum and her dog (who has shat on my Persian Rug... not once... but twice...) has come to stay with us for a bit. It has been interesting. Let's pray mum can get hired soon. Pray Hard. Very Hard. Very, very hard. If you're not the praying kind.... drink... drink a lot for me.
Thank You!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Wyatt is officially a Kindergarten student!

We took him to the school's open house (the day before the 1st day) and he loved his classroom, was excited he recognized another kid and when we asked him what he thought of his new school, he said, "It's Perrrrfect!"
He was nearly jumping out of his skin with excitement the morning of his first day.

Emma and I got him all settled into his room and I gave him a hug and kiss (which I had to ask for... he was too busy playing for it to be offered)

I started to walk out of the building and Emma started to panic "Y?" "Y?" By the time we got to the car she was in full pout mode...

And I was in full cry mode...

Yeah ok... I thought I wouldn't cry, but damn it. I know it's cliche but ... where exactly did the time go? Kindergarten? Really? Already? That snuck up fast.

I picked him up over 6 hours later...

He was mad. "School was TOO LONG! I don't want to come back here EVER AGAIN! We were supposed to have free toy time... that's why I told them we should NEVER have gone on the scavenger hunt!"

About an hour of yelling and screaming I found out that A scavenger hunt of the school ran long and they did not get to have free toy time at the end of the day, that was on schedule. He was PISSED! And he thinks the days are entirely too long. He's right though. 8:05 to 2:50 is a heck of a long day for a 5 year old. 11am lunch, 12 to 12:25 rest time?? Its a lot.

He's been in school for 4 days and each day he's told me that the day is too long. But by today (the 4th day) I think he's getting used to it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thinkin' Halloween

I'm already in full Halloween mindset mode. I was wanting to hand make costumes this year and I need more lead-time than the average crafty mom (which I totally am not) My mother in law is awesome and said she'd like to make Emma's costume this year. Yay! Wyatt is a bit more difficult. Thank the Lord that he has not suggested "Thomas the Train" for a 3rd year in a row. No no no..... First we have
"A carrot."
"A Carrot ? Wyatt, who do you know that has been a carrot costume before?"
"A man from Russia."
"A man from Russia?"
"Yea, and he came to Racine to trick or treat all the candy, then went back over to Russia and called everyone in Racine to tell them thank you for all the candy. Then he put the phone back on the charger. So yea, I want to be a carrot."

Then.... we have...
"A Circle."
"Just a plain circle?"
"No, I'd like to be a big yellow circle."
"Ok, so a smiley face?"
"urgggh, No! Just a big yellow circle."
"Alrighty then."

So that's what I have to work with. Any suggestions ?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Flew by

Baby Emma is now Two. (Emma, mommy has a letter to you about turning 2 in her journal... read it when you are older, k? Thanks.)

She is finally spewing out vocabulary is random bursts. Not quite sentence forming yet, but we are working on it. It occurs to me that Im not doing nearly the amount of projects with her that I did with Wyatt at this age. I've come to realize its because Im holding onto her being a "baby" and Babies don't use glue...
Something I need to get over and fix straight away.

Emma is very monkey see monkey do these days. She wants to do everything she sees big kids to including jump from the high point of playground equipment. The day when she has a sense of fear instilled in her isn't coming soon enough for my taste.
But yet, it keeps me on my toes in a heart attack inducing sort of way...

My Wyatt will be starting full day Kindergarten next week. I'm not ready... he is. I don't think I will cry, but I will feel a resounding sadness and I'm not exactly sure why. I still look at him as if he's a baby and Babies don't go to full day kindergarten....

The summer has been very unstructured and relaxed. I figure once school starts Wyatt will have plenty of structure, so why not have a lazy summer, right ?

The one thing he's asking to do still is "go to a water park" he'll probably get that labor day weekend though.

I've been keeping a journal of all the things the kids do/say when they say/do it so I don't forget between journal posts. Then I had surgery and couldn't descend the stairs (stomach cut open in 8 places) and haven't been able to write at all. I'll have to bring my journal down here and make a whole post on Wyatt quips and Emma follies these past 2 months.

Till then...Ta
This is Wyatt after his summer haircut. HE WANTED IT SPIKEY! When the lady actually did it, he was super brassed off!

This is Lil Miss M on her 2nd Birthday. Wearing a handmade birthday dress by TiTi Lisa.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I had a surge of genius!
I'm going to grow up to be a baker!
There now. A plan. Step 2 is producing money for culinary school.
That in mind.... I should be a professional baker sometime between the age of 50 and my death.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Preschool Graduate

Wyatt is a Preschool Graduate. Yay! (of course that happened weeks before I posted, but hey, I've been busy) They had a cute little singing program, where Wyatt wiggled a tad, but mostly kept his mouth closed tight during the singing. But he was pleased and proud as punch when they called his name and he went down to get his little completion certificate!

We've went ahead and lowered our houses price by 2k. That was a Saturday. I'm busy getting the house back in show shape now. I'm started to get a little more worried each day there isn't a showing. My goal is to just be in a new place by the time Wyatt has to start school. I really don't want to pluck him out midyear because the house sold, ya know? Although, Wyatt is a very extroverted, go with the flow kind of kid. He may do just fine with an abrupt move and school change. Maybe I'm not giving that kid enough credit.

Emma, my little fearless one. You'll be 2 in a few short weeks here. Good God how that went fast! This girl has given me a run for my money. My little Fully clothed lake diver...

And then she realized it was COLD! .....

Wyatt... being of the cautious mind... stayed perfectly dry on shore...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Holy Crow

Has it really been a month since my last post? Yikes.
I've recently discovered that I liked reading... actual books.... so that's taken up a lot of my free time.

Emma was evaluated for speech. It appears she is comprehending a few months ahead of her age but speaking 2 months behind her age. Speech therapist said that the speaking WILL catch up and that shes not worried. Seriously, neither was I.

I woke up to Wyatt's shining little face.
"Mommy, can you give me some chores to do so I can earn money for my wallet"
"Um... Ok, what are you going to do with that money in your wallet?"
"Save it for my college education."

Good boy..... good boy....

House selling is going slow. A huge rush of showings, now nothing for 2+ good weeks. I'm not all that worried yet, its been a month. I'll worry the end of July, then I'll probably drop the price 2000 or better. We'll see, this is so freakin' stressful. I haven't even registered Wyatt for kindergarten yet cause I have no idea where we will be living. As well as not registering for summer activities for the same reason. Oh well... the kid is about to embark on his first year of formal education. I think he's earned this summer off.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I've been instructed by Emma's Ped to have her re-evaluated for speech. Apparently, Emma should be putting more words together. She is not although her vocabulary continues to grow. I don't know. There's still a big part of me that is relaxed and thinks she'll get around to it and there's that other side of me thats constantly telling me that everything I do will screw up my kids one way or another.

Yay for split personalities
Wyatt is doing great, except for this horrid back talk spewing out from his mouth like word vomit. God I hope that ends soon. Its really really embarrassing in public.
Wyatt was outside playing with Em and her play date when my brother gf ushered him inside the house for punishment....

Me: "Wyatt, Ms. Randa says you threw a rock at the girls. Did you throw a rock?"
Wyatt: "Why don't you both (me and Ms. Randa) just go back outside mom"

The back talk is always well calculated and calm, which really really pisses me off further.

Let me think of goods........
Emma- more words are continuing to come every day & shes super affectionate lately.
Wyatt- He's actually starting to fill in a while coloring page, not just one or two lines down the middle. To look at his work from the beginning of the school year and now, its a huge change.

We are getting a lot of showings on the house. We've had about 6 in the last week and a half. I'm told that's good. They are all saying the same things though. "House is adorable, cute as a button... but the bedrooms are too small."

Some pics I've been meaning to show.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Whew, rummage sale out of the way almost made 700... its almost embarrassing that I had that much shit. And still have more. Hey, it beats sticking it all in a landfill right ?
The house is 90% done. Just need to paint one more thing, put up the trim in the bedroom and clean clean clean! Realtor is coming over at the end of the week to take pics and put up "the sign."

I feel super shitty that Wyatt had off all week, as did Randy and all we did "fun" was go to gymnastics and Chuck E Cheese. Randy and I were just so busy getting this stuff done. I feel extremely bad. I feel like I haven't seen my kids all week even though they were right there? Know what I mean ? I really do feel though that by doing all this repair, primping, painting that it will pay off in the long run. Maybe a quick sell with minimal bitching. That's what I'm hoping.

Easter came and went, I'll get pics up soon as I locate the camera.

Ooooh Emma can now say "Bubble, I-et (Wyatt), GO!!, poopy, grandma and pa ! woot! words! finally! Now lets put 2 together kid!

Wyatt, hopefully you wont have a memory of this period of time when mom and dad barely played with you while we got the house ready. I only say that because it really breaks my heart when you walk around the house saying "Nobody can afford to play with me" Seriously. My heart bleeds and I'll make it up to you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going on week 3 of not seeing my kitchen table.... can't do that crap much longer.
I can honestly say now that "it's getting there"


A rare moment of sibling sweetness

Oh. We are 90% sure that we are headed for Norfolk, VA in August. The other 10% is reserved for the possibility of Randy making Chief. (We will know that by July 31st) If he does in fact make Chief, he will be given a new set of orders to choose from. Hopefully Norfolk would be on that list as well. If not, we need to choose another station.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pack, Pack, Pack

We are all about moving 24/7 here. I havent seen the top of my kitchen table in a week. Boxes everywhere. Paint cans/accessories everywhere. There is no order here. BUT... If you walk into Wyatt and Emma's rooms they are so streamlined and nice. We took out ALL the excess toys/clothes and put them into storage. I think they even like it better this way. Its like with less toys to throw off the shelves they are more deliberate and collected in their playtime.

Almost done with the thinning the house. (basement is this weekend, which was the biggest project.) Then we are off to paint/repair things. The realtor wants to aim for the first weekend in April now.

When all is said and done, I think we need to take these kids on a vacation. We have been so pre-occupied with this house and moving in general that we have been seriously neglecting the kids (attention wise). Their behavior is really showing it. Wyatt especially.

My mother in law came over for a visit Wednesday, which in the back of my head I'm thinking (man, I should be packing/cleaning) but really, it was nice to sit there and do nothing. Talk to another adult, watch the kids get attention from grandma then I started to nod off. Ha! She had me get the kids coats and shoes on then she looked at me and said "I'll take them for a walk, you go take a nap." Really, that was the coolest thing about my week. It's nice every once in a while for someone to see your need and lift you up. Just give you a tiny boost. Without you ever having to ask. Cool, cool, cool.

Oh. I have to post these pics before I forget. Wyatt wants to make a lemonade stand. We had no lemons, so we did orange juice instead.

Orange Juice! $1.00 !!

Boogers Extra!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Free play time

Wyatt: "MOM!!! Wanna come play in the tub with me?! It's Free!!!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wyatt's 1st love triangle

I will no longer be pushing the Ellie play date thing. Wyatt got in trouble the other day for "kissing" her at school. Apparently it wasn't one kiss, it was a few.
After my stomach turned, I asked Wyatt why he kissed her. With all the drama a 5 year old could muster, he said "Because I love her!"
Yikes. So I handled that by telling him we don't kiss our friends at school, we blow kisses, give high fives, play patty cake etc. to show them we like them. I quizzed him on the proper behavior through-out the day. Later, I asked him if Ellie kissed him too (wondering if it was all him or if it was her idea too?) He said "No." I said, "why is that?" He said "Because she knew the rules, and I didn't." Way too much of a mature and thought out answer for my taste. Ack.

The next day... A different girl and Wyatt had a kiss. Apparently, this time it was the other girl's idea. I asked him "Why didn't you tell her that friends give high fives not kisses?" He Said "I totally forgot." I asked him, "I thought Ellie was your girlfriend?" (why am I encouraging that?) He said "She is still my girlfriend, Bella just loves me too."
Oh man.

I'm praying that when I pick him up today, it was a kiss free day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wyatt's got a sweetheart

Wyatt told me he has a girlfriend. He calls her "Ellie" She's in his class. When I go to pick him up they both bombard me with "We want a play date. Wyatt and me say we need a play date today (Ellie) Ellie wants to come over for a play date today tomorrow then forever (Wyatt) Its all very cute. Now what to do? I don't know this girls mom. So..... When she gets into class to pick her kid up Wyatt and Ellie (of course) run over to bombard her with the same questions. She responds to Wyatt by saying "Are you going to come over and do my laundry and dishes then?" Wyatt looking confused as he walks away. So me (being the sociological genius that I am) Say to the mom, " They've been asking me for play dates all week." Ok. I've made a introduction pathway right? Apparently I need to be more obvious because the mom didn't even look at me when I spoke to her. (honestly, I probably did a crap job emoting and she probably didn't even know I was talking to her.)
Creeping out the door with my kid now, tail between my legs.

So embarrassing to admit this but I SUCK at making friends. Im socially awkward unless I've got a few drinks in me. I can't go to Wyatt's school all liquored up therefore I SUCK at trying to make friends for Wyatt. I will NEVER know how to ask a mom I don't know if their kid would like to come over for a play date. I felt that one out and apparently the mom wasn't interested right ? This feels like I'm fricken trying to date. So now, I've been listening to Wyatt all week, "Why don't we go pick Ellie up? Why don't you call Ellie's mommy? Does grandma know Ellie's number?"
Oh man....

Oh a less embarrassing, happier note...
Yesterday was Randy and my 10 year anniversary. Not marriage but the anniversary of our "Dating, going out, whatever." 10 years of Sarah and Randy. 10 years of putting up with that guys crap. ha. 10 years of him putting up with my crap.
We did a wine tasting (Love to start a date that way) bought a bunch of new wine for our growing collection. We ate at Salutes and had this ginormous boat of carbonara goodness. Drank ourselves silly. Tried to walk off the sillies around downtown before we went home. It was really a good time.

The kids and I have had strep throat all week. We're finally on the mend. Just in time for one of Wisconsin's spring weather preview days.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Emma has been feeling a little sick lately so this morning when it sounded like she was drowning in flem and snot crap I took her to the Dr. She has strep throat. :( Her first one. Let me tell ya... this kid is siiiiiick. Shes not eating (which for her lately is a HUGE deal) she's walking around with a whimper while she rubs the snot from her nose up into her eye. So gross. I will give her a tissue and she knows to wipe her nose but she has yet to learn how to blow it. So we have a big smeary snotty mess here. I feel so bad. This morning when she was doing the whimper shuffle through the house I could feel my heart break. It a crappy feeling when you're her mum and you know there is zilch you can do for the misery.
Wyatt is headed over to grandmas tonight, good thing too, maybe he can be spared the 24 hours of "contagiousness"

She's waking up from her 3rd hour of nap.... and it begins again. God I hope the next few hours are easier than the back 9 were.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Empty Bowls

I worked at the Empty Bowls Event in Racine all day yesterday. There was a great turn out and so many local yummy soups. Its quite the event. I even managed to hoist my parent's rear-ends over there to check it out.
My cousin babysat the kids at night (when Randy joined me at the event to serve soup) They were good for her except when she had the audacity to put Wyatt to bed at the proper time. He told her something like he voted and she is cancelled. And the next time daddy invites her over its going to be too bad that she's been cancelled. Lil snot. Yeap, how dare she not let you stay up til midnight little man.
Embarrassing on the parents, but still freakin' funny.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Emma Tubes

Emma had tubes put in on Feb. 9th. Yea, it was a while ago, but I'm way behind on my familia postings.
She did great. I was hesitant and first about the procedure, but 2 weeks later her speech and babbling has picked up. Yesterday she even said " I - et " (Wyatt) FINALLY! That other kid in the house has a name!
Before the procedure they gave her a little "happy juice" that made her pretty lucid. Like a really good ecstasy trip ( of course I don't personally know what a good ecstasy trip is like... of course.....) Um. Yea. So. They gave her this stuff and within a few minutes she started staring at the TV screen cartoons and then took her bear and blanket and then the hospitals bear and blanket, stuffed them under her belly and started rolling around the bed. It was so funny. Then every few seconds, she'd stop to stare at the cartoons again, then resume rolling all over the bears and blankets.
When the anesthesiologist came in to take her, Wyatt followed the man out, looked back at Randy and I and said "WHERE!..... ARE.... THEY TAKING.....MY SISTER!?!" He was really mad. We explained, he calmed down and we started to walk out of the holding room and into the lobby... Wyatt yelled "WE CAN'T LEAVE WITHOUT MY SISTER!"
Man, he was little worrier.
The procedure didn't hurt, and she was her old self within a few hours.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wyatt's 5th Birthday


5 years have went by extremely fast. On your birthday I sat down with you and we looked at your baby pictures. 1lb 15oz wires coming out everywhere, ventilator, isolette, 3 months worth of hospital pictures. Thinking back I don't remember ever being worried you wouldn't come out of everything ok. I just always knew you'd make it through whatever got tossed your way. And you have.
Developmentally you have caught up! You've worked so hard in 5 years and your just a child! Your the most resilient child I'll ever know and you take everything in stride.

We celebrated your birthday in yellow. You wanted everything yellow, including asking everybody to wear yellow. Fitting, considering it is your Golden Birthday! Dad and I decorated your room with streamers and balloons and you woke up to a donut with 5 candles in it.

You have jokes. That's exactly what you say "I've got jokes." Your favorite being, "Why did Wyatt throw the butter out of the window? To see a butterfly!" You have a great sense of humor and will always try to make anyone who's sad feel better with eyelash batting, hugs, kisses or of course, jokes. Your laugh is infectious. In fact, whenever I'm sad or stressed you pick up on it even when I hide it. Then you'll do the smile, batt the eyeleshes, and do the hug thing. When Im annoyed (at you) you'll do this and its in such a way where it feels almost patronizing. I think you actually know that.

Your a "decisive" eater and very stubborn. If there is something you don't want to eat on your plate (usually the vegetable) you will fight us on eating everything just because of that vegetables presence on the same plate. Right now, we are making you try at least 1 bite, if you don't there is nothing else for you to eat the rest of the night and you'll receive the same thing for breakfast. Seriously, you will go all night and morning with no food if we let you. God I hope that passes.

Your favorite toys are the ones with wheels. Cars and trains. This has ALWAYS been your favorite. You actually are not the kid who plays guns, dinosaurs or pretend pirates. Your favorite friend is still Molly the giraffe (which is actually a horse, but we don't correct you because at first glance we thought it was a giraffe too) You asked me to make Molly a snowsuit for your birthday, I have not done it yet. I bought the material, but honey, you have to understand your mommy doesn't sew. But I promise I will make Molly that snowsuit eventually.

I love your language. You have the best phrases and I keep track of most of them. Our favorites right now is that you say you are the " ______ guy." Fixer guy, cheese guy, mixer guy, conductor guy, etc. The other is "I'm all about _____." I'm all about trains, I'm all about macaroni, I'm all about puzzles, etc.

You are Emma's little protector. Most the time you're visibly frustrated and annoyed with her though. She is always in your things, in your room and in your way. When she had ear surgery a few days after your birthday and they took her back in the operating room, you were so concerned and worried you looked down right sick. Ahhh, the truth comes out. She adores you, that's why she is always under your feet. It will be the same when your older too.

I couldn't imagine life without my Wyatt. This sounds strange, but you have taught me step by step how to be a mother. We're in it for the long haul buddy.

"I love you even when your being a punk"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Popcorn for Sale

Wyatt is full of cute-ness lately.

Wyatt: "Mom, would you like some popcorn?"
Mom: "Sure"
Wyatt: "That will be twenty bucks"
Mom: " Wow, um, Hey Daddy, did you know that Wyatt is selling popcorn for twenty bucks? Is that a bargain?"
Dad: "Twenty Bucks?!"
Wyatt: "I wouldnt complain, or else its going to be $80 tomorrow."

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wyatt was trying to get past me. (pushing)

Me: "Can you hold on a minute?"

Wyatt: "Yes, I always hold on a minute when you're busy"

Me: "Thats because you are a good boy."

Wyatt: (Looking OVERLY elated) "THANK YOU MOM! That makes my heart beat out loud from my head and it comes out of the top and flies to you!"


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kitchen Follies and Triumphs

This is the difference between a muffin with no sugar vs. a muffin with sugar. I've been having all kinds of brain farts lately. The muffin on the left without a doubt is pretty good for you. Carrots, apples, wheat flour, craisins, pecans, apples, applesauce.... no sugar. Taste wise, it wasnt appauling, but didn't have the yum. Sure is ugly though ain't it ? The muffin on the right has sugar... but I forgot the apples. At this point, I'm giving up the bowl and spoon.

On the other hand. While I was getting my coffee at Starbucks, I ordered Randy a caramel apple cider. (he hates coffee) As I was watching them make it, I gasped in horror when I saw them break out a gallon of Tree Top Apple Cider, Can of Reddi Whip and Smuckers Caramel Topping. Umm... Why am I paying 5 bucks for something I can make at home ? I don't know why I thought Starbucks put some magical yummy ingredients in their caramel apple cider that I couldn't produce at home, but now that I'm onto you Starbucks, from this day forward I shall no longer pay $5.00 for your characterless & mundane caramel apple cider... I will triumph and make my own! Not only that, but I will make it slightly healthier by using FAT FREE reddi whip and SUGAR/FATFREE smuckers caramel apple topping. And Walla! We have Sarah's Caramel Apple F.U. Starbucks Cider.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Emma and the Stairs

Randy: "Saaaaarah?"
Sarah: "Yes?"
Randy: "Did you put Emma downstairs?"
Sarah: "Noooo"
Emma: *big smile from the bottom of the basement stairs* "Giggle"

I had no idea she knew how to get downstairs
*note to self- remember to always lock the basement door from here on out.*

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The realtor came through the house yesterday. Good news is there isn't too much we have to do. A lot of "thinning" of our clutter, some painting and sad to say, she wants the red in my kitchen to be no more. :( I love the red. It will probably help if I stop thinking of this place as "my house."

Randy threw a curve ball at me. He put in a request (behind my back) to extend in his time here to Dec. Long story short it will improve his chances of making chief. Translated to civilian speak, extending to Dec. will give him almost like "seniority" ? in his current position and will make him look like a much more desirable candidate for promotion.
He didn't think the request would be approved, but it did.

What this means for our family is we still have to take the opportunity to sell the house once the snow is gone and we will have to move to base housing in Great Lakes. Wyatt will have to start his kindergarten year down there. When Dec. rolls around we will all have to uproot again to (wherever) Wyatt will continue school in the new duty station town for the rest of the year.

Its a shitty deal for Wyatt if you ask me. Maybe he will do okay with it and surprise me. Maybe not. Either way, August would have been a way better time to move to the next duty station.

Military life has its benefits. It really does, but it has some serious serious cons as well.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Emma's Speech Evaluation

Shes just fine. :) She does not qualify for services.

The lovely lady from Birth to 3 that helped Wyatt so much was the one to evaluate Emma for speech today. Great, no-nonsense type of lady. When she was done working with M she looked at me and said " You weren't worried at all were you?"
No, I wasn't. Emma tested between 15 - 17 months. Emma is 18 months and she is very typical. The only thing she told me was that she thinks that after Emma gets the tubes in her ears we will see a HUGE jump in "parrot" talking. If that doesn't happen, then we know she needs a re-evaluation.

So ... yay!

Oh! I kept Wyatt home from school today to watch the inauguration of President Obama. I know he wouldn't understand all of what was going on and being said, but my hope is that he'll at least have a small recollection of this day in history. Just for him to be able to say "I sort of remember when he was elected, yea." That's all I'm lookin' for!
He watched pretty intently and then Hi-Fived me when he was through being sworn in, then announced to me "That man is going to change the world."
Yes baby, he is.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wyatt's Song

I have been singing "Godspeed" (Dixie Chicks) to Wyatt since he was born. Its our "goodnight song" or as he calls it "the rocket racer song"
Tonight I was putting Emma down (whom I've only ever sang Twinkle Twinkle to) and I asked him if he would like to say goodnight to sister, he comes in and tells me to sing the rocket racer song. I said "That's your song though, you don't mind?" He said "No, we can share the song." So I said, I'll sing it to her if you sing with me. That child sang the entire song relatively loudly and without missing a beat. I cried. Number one- Wyatt doesn't sing. Number two- I sing the song all the time, but I'm never sure if he actually paid attention. Number three-he shared something that even I labeled exclusively his.
I'm touched. That was a great moment.

Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you

Godspeed, little man Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Godspeed Sweet dreams

The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you

Godspeed, little man Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Godspeed Sweet dreams

God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you

God speed, little man, Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Godspeed Sweet dreams

Petty Officer/Chief

Randy is taking his advancement test today. If he passes the test and the board he will become a Chief. (Board Tests are tests that he stands in front of a panel of Top Naval Commanders, Admirals, Master Chiefs, etc. and they ask him direct on the spot questions.
He did this last year too, he passed the test but missed the board test by a half a point. THAT sucked for him. I'm praying that he can make it all the way through this time. Not just because its a HUGE pay raise and more respect, but HE wants it really bad. Really really really wants it. What can I say, he's going to be a lifer.

Give Randy a little pray time today.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Im asking Wyatt whom from his class he'd like to invite to his birthday party

Wyatt: "Caden, Aiden.........long pause......... Jaaaaaaaaylaaaaaa (Huge cheeky smile)

Me: "Who's Jayla? Your girlfriend?"

Wyatt: "No, just a regular friend that loves me."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Christmas and new Years have come and gone. Good Times
Wyatt set out cookies for Santa, Emma tried to eat them...

We celebrated with most our families (big family between the 2 of us)
Emma systematically opened presents.
Wyatt got his Geo Trax

I like to call the above "Merry Pickmas"
New Years was a hoot. Wyatt is all about New Years since we started our silly string tradition last year.
I thought he was going to wet his pants.

The Aftermath!

After New Years the whole house came down with bad stomach flu. Nice was to start the New Year right ? Maybe it was too many indulgences!

The kids had a great holiday season. They are very fortunate kids.
I loved all of Wyatts probing Santa questions. He questions about Jesus' role in Christmas. Its a lot of fun. I love to try to look through their eyes at all the questions and wonder around the holidays. Beautiful, just beautiful.

About Me

My photo
Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.