Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Flew by

Baby Emma is now Two. (Emma, mommy has a letter to you about turning 2 in her journal... read it when you are older, k? Thanks.)

She is finally spewing out vocabulary is random bursts. Not quite sentence forming yet, but we are working on it. It occurs to me that Im not doing nearly the amount of projects with her that I did with Wyatt at this age. I've come to realize its because Im holding onto her being a "baby" and Babies don't use glue...
Something I need to get over and fix straight away.

Emma is very monkey see monkey do these days. She wants to do everything she sees big kids to including jump from the high point of playground equipment. The day when she has a sense of fear instilled in her isn't coming soon enough for my taste.
But yet, it keeps me on my toes in a heart attack inducing sort of way...

My Wyatt will be starting full day Kindergarten next week. I'm not ready... he is. I don't think I will cry, but I will feel a resounding sadness and I'm not exactly sure why. I still look at him as if he's a baby and Babies don't go to full day kindergarten....

The summer has been very unstructured and relaxed. I figure once school starts Wyatt will have plenty of structure, so why not have a lazy summer, right ?

The one thing he's asking to do still is "go to a water park" he'll probably get that labor day weekend though.

I've been keeping a journal of all the things the kids do/say when they say/do it so I don't forget between journal posts. Then I had surgery and couldn't descend the stairs (stomach cut open in 8 places) and haven't been able to write at all. I'll have to bring my journal down here and make a whole post on Wyatt quips and Emma follies these past 2 months.

Till then...Ta
This is Wyatt after his summer haircut. HE WANTED IT SPIKEY! When the lady actually did it, he was super brassed off!

This is Lil Miss M on her 2nd Birthday. Wearing a handmade birthday dress by TiTi Lisa.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.