I will no longer be pushing the Ellie play date thing. Wyatt got in trouble the other day for "kissing" her at school. Apparently it wasn't one kiss, it was a few.
After my stomach turned, I asked Wyatt why he kissed her. With all the drama a 5 year old could muster, he said "Because I love her!"
Yikes. So I handled that by telling him we don't kiss our friends at school, we blow kisses, give high fives, play patty cake etc. to show them we like them. I quizzed him on the proper behavior through-out the day. Later, I asked him if Ellie kissed him too (wondering if it was all him or if it was her idea too?) He said "No." I said, "why is that?" He said "Because she knew the rules, and I didn't." Way too much of a mature and thought out answer for my taste. Ack.
The next day... A different girl and Wyatt had a kiss. Apparently, this time it was the other girl's idea. I asked him "Why didn't you tell her that friends give high fives not kisses?" He Said "I totally forgot." I asked him, "I thought Ellie was your girlfriend?" (why am I encouraging that?) He said "She is still my girlfriend, Bella just loves me too."
Oh man.
I'm praying that when I pick him up today, it was a kiss free day.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

About Me
- Sarah
- Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.