Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going on week 3 of not seeing my kitchen table.... can't do that crap much longer.
I can honestly say now that "it's getting there"


A rare moment of sibling sweetness

Oh. We are 90% sure that we are headed for Norfolk, VA in August. The other 10% is reserved for the possibility of Randy making Chief. (We will know that by July 31st) If he does in fact make Chief, he will be given a new set of orders to choose from. Hopefully Norfolk would be on that list as well. If not, we need to choose another station.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.