Almost done with the thinning the house. (basement is this weekend, which was the biggest project.) Then we are off to paint/repair things. The realtor wants to aim for the first weekend in April now.
When all is said and done, I think we need to take these kids on a vacation. We have been so pre-occupied with this house and moving in general that we have been seriously neglecting the kids (attention wise). Their behavior is really showing it. Wyatt especially.
My mother in law came over for a visit Wednesday, which in the back of my head I'm thinking (man, I should be packing/cleaning) but really, it was nice to sit there and do nothing. Talk to another adult, watch the kids get attention from grandma then I started to nod off. Ha! She had me get the kids coats and shoes on then she looked at me and said "I'll take them for a walk, you go take a nap." Really, that was the coolest thing about my week. It's nice every once in a while for someone to see your need and lift you up. Just give you a tiny boost. Without you ever having to ask. Cool, cool, cool.
Oh. I have to post these pics before I forget. Wyatt wants to make a lemonade stand. We had no lemons, so we did orange juice instead.

Orange Juice! $1.00 !!