Thursday, January 22, 2009


The realtor came through the house yesterday. Good news is there isn't too much we have to do. A lot of "thinning" of our clutter, some painting and sad to say, she wants the red in my kitchen to be no more. :( I love the red. It will probably help if I stop thinking of this place as "my house."

Randy threw a curve ball at me. He put in a request (behind my back) to extend in his time here to Dec. Long story short it will improve his chances of making chief. Translated to civilian speak, extending to Dec. will give him almost like "seniority" ? in his current position and will make him look like a much more desirable candidate for promotion.
He didn't think the request would be approved, but it did.

What this means for our family is we still have to take the opportunity to sell the house once the snow is gone and we will have to move to base housing in Great Lakes. Wyatt will have to start his kindergarten year down there. When Dec. rolls around we will all have to uproot again to (wherever) Wyatt will continue school in the new duty station town for the rest of the year.

Its a shitty deal for Wyatt if you ask me. Maybe he will do okay with it and surprise me. Maybe not. Either way, August would have been a way better time to move to the next duty station.

Military life has its benefits. It really does, but it has some serious serious cons as well.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.