My kids both have double ear infections, and now, so do I.
I took them both in yesterday cause they had been sick for a while, but still not acting right. Apparently, Emma's was "just starting" so the dr. gave me meds for her and Wyatt and we went on our way.
Got home and Emma was crying. Tried feeding, rocking, playing, laying down, changing her. Nothing worked. Then I realized she was actually asleep and writhing still in pain...crying. There was NOTHING I could do to help her. It was the most horrible feeling I've ever felt with her. Comparable only to seeing Wyatt in the isolette with the wires and tubes and feeling helpless to help. It took 3 hours, but she finally started to feel some relief. Poor girl.
Today she is much better, but very very tired. She hasn't slept this much in a day, ever. Nor, has she ever conked out while playing on the floor.