Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lazy Afternoon

This is why we shouldnt be leaving our cups on the floor, Wyatt. :)
Shes mobile... watch out

Actually...I've lost 17 lbs. Got weighed today...ya know...drove down to the truckers weigh station, hauled my fat ass up on that thing. ha.. Woot woot. Annnnnd I ate chocolate on Valentines Day :)

Wyatt had an IEP last week. They said he's doing well developmentally and recommended him for "regular" 4K next year. :) Yay! Thank God for those verbal skills. Now if I can just get him to hold his pens/utensils correctly. They are also riding me to make Wyatt pick a hand preference. He, so far, is ambidextrous. I don't know the harm of a preschooler not having a particular hand dominance, but I just know I didnt have one either, and now Im perfectly capable of writing equally with both hands.

Voted in the primary today. I'm not sure where I stand politically though. I sort of would like to through in the towel all together. I have opinions on things, but really, if they don't apply to me, why should I have a say ? Example - abortion. I personally don't think I could do it. Am I against other women doing it ? No. Why, should I be ? Its none of my business. Although I do feel like partial birth abortion is kinna gruesome.

Gun Control - I own guns. They are locked away and in a spot where I know my kids other kids wouldnt find them. I was studying to be a cop before I had Wyatt, and I bought guns for timing practice and qualifyings at the range. So. I would like my right to bear arms. Do I think there should be rules and restrictions on guns ? Sure why not ? Buying a gun at a gun show and having my background checked doesn't bother me. I'm not a felon. Sooo.. is that a dem or republi. stand? Its both. Ha....That reminded me of something..

Gay Marriage. This is the only sure thing I have. I will forever be for gay marriage and rights. As a result - Dems are the only ones for this so it throws me back to the Dem. vote

Just rambling... The kids are alseep and the house is actually clean...Im bored.

Check out perpetualkid.com Awesome site.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.