Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going on week 3 of not seeing my kitchen table.... can't do that crap much longer.
I can honestly say now that "it's getting there"


A rare moment of sibling sweetness

Oh. We are 90% sure that we are headed for Norfolk, VA in August. The other 10% is reserved for the possibility of Randy making Chief. (We will know that by July 31st) If he does in fact make Chief, he will be given a new set of orders to choose from. Hopefully Norfolk would be on that list as well. If not, we need to choose another station.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pack, Pack, Pack

We are all about moving 24/7 here. I havent seen the top of my kitchen table in a week. Boxes everywhere. Paint cans/accessories everywhere. There is no order here. BUT... If you walk into Wyatt and Emma's rooms they are so streamlined and nice. We took out ALL the excess toys/clothes and put them into storage. I think they even like it better this way. Its like with less toys to throw off the shelves they are more deliberate and collected in their playtime.

Almost done with the thinning the house. (basement is this weekend, which was the biggest project.) Then we are off to paint/repair things. The realtor wants to aim for the first weekend in April now.

When all is said and done, I think we need to take these kids on a vacation. We have been so pre-occupied with this house and moving in general that we have been seriously neglecting the kids (attention wise). Their behavior is really showing it. Wyatt especially.

My mother in law came over for a visit Wednesday, which in the back of my head I'm thinking (man, I should be packing/cleaning) but really, it was nice to sit there and do nothing. Talk to another adult, watch the kids get attention from grandma then I started to nod off. Ha! She had me get the kids coats and shoes on then she looked at me and said "I'll take them for a walk, you go take a nap." Really, that was the coolest thing about my week. It's nice every once in a while for someone to see your need and lift you up. Just give you a tiny boost. Without you ever having to ask. Cool, cool, cool.

Oh. I have to post these pics before I forget. Wyatt wants to make a lemonade stand. We had no lemons, so we did orange juice instead.

Orange Juice! $1.00 !!

Boogers Extra!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Free play time

Wyatt: "MOM!!! Wanna come play in the tub with me?! It's Free!!!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wyatt's 1st love triangle

I will no longer be pushing the Ellie play date thing. Wyatt got in trouble the other day for "kissing" her at school. Apparently it wasn't one kiss, it was a few.
After my stomach turned, I asked Wyatt why he kissed her. With all the drama a 5 year old could muster, he said "Because I love her!"
Yikes. So I handled that by telling him we don't kiss our friends at school, we blow kisses, give high fives, play patty cake etc. to show them we like them. I quizzed him on the proper behavior through-out the day. Later, I asked him if Ellie kissed him too (wondering if it was all him or if it was her idea too?) He said "No." I said, "why is that?" He said "Because she knew the rules, and I didn't." Way too much of a mature and thought out answer for my taste. Ack.

The next day... A different girl and Wyatt had a kiss. Apparently, this time it was the other girl's idea. I asked him "Why didn't you tell her that friends give high fives not kisses?" He Said "I totally forgot." I asked him, "I thought Ellie was your girlfriend?" (why am I encouraging that?) He said "She is still my girlfriend, Bella just loves me too."
Oh man.

I'm praying that when I pick him up today, it was a kiss free day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wyatt's got a sweetheart

Wyatt told me he has a girlfriend. He calls her "Ellie" She's in his class. When I go to pick him up they both bombard me with "We want a play date. Wyatt and me say we need a play date today (Ellie) Ellie wants to come over for a play date today tomorrow then forever (Wyatt) Its all very cute. Now what to do? I don't know this girls mom. So..... When she gets into class to pick her kid up Wyatt and Ellie (of course) run over to bombard her with the same questions. She responds to Wyatt by saying "Are you going to come over and do my laundry and dishes then?" Wyatt looking confused as he walks away. So me (being the sociological genius that I am) Say to the mom, " They've been asking me for play dates all week." Ok. I've made a introduction pathway right? Apparently I need to be more obvious because the mom didn't even look at me when I spoke to her. (honestly, I probably did a crap job emoting and she probably didn't even know I was talking to her.)
Creeping out the door with my kid now, tail between my legs.

So embarrassing to admit this but I SUCK at making friends. Im socially awkward unless I've got a few drinks in me. I can't go to Wyatt's school all liquored up therefore I SUCK at trying to make friends for Wyatt. I will NEVER know how to ask a mom I don't know if their kid would like to come over for a play date. I felt that one out and apparently the mom wasn't interested right ? This feels like I'm fricken trying to date. So now, I've been listening to Wyatt all week, "Why don't we go pick Ellie up? Why don't you call Ellie's mommy? Does grandma know Ellie's number?"
Oh man....

Oh a less embarrassing, happier note...
Yesterday was Randy and my 10 year anniversary. Not marriage but the anniversary of our "Dating, going out, whatever." 10 years of Sarah and Randy. 10 years of putting up with that guys crap. ha. 10 years of him putting up with my crap.
We did a wine tasting (Love to start a date that way) bought a bunch of new wine for our growing collection. We ate at Salutes and had this ginormous boat of carbonara goodness. Drank ourselves silly. Tried to walk off the sillies around downtown before we went home. It was really a good time.

The kids and I have had strep throat all week. We're finally on the mend. Just in time for one of Wisconsin's spring weather preview days.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Emma has been feeling a little sick lately so this morning when it sounded like she was drowning in flem and snot crap I took her to the Dr. She has strep throat. :( Her first one. Let me tell ya... this kid is siiiiiick. Shes not eating (which for her lately is a HUGE deal) she's walking around with a whimper while she rubs the snot from her nose up into her eye. So gross. I will give her a tissue and she knows to wipe her nose but she has yet to learn how to blow it. So we have a big smeary snotty mess here. I feel so bad. This morning when she was doing the whimper shuffle through the house I could feel my heart break. It a crappy feeling when you're her mum and you know there is zilch you can do for the misery.
Wyatt is headed over to grandmas tonight, good thing too, maybe he can be spared the 24 hours of "contagiousness"

She's waking up from her 3rd hour of nap.... and it begins again. God I hope the next few hours are easier than the back 9 were.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Empty Bowls

I worked at the Empty Bowls Event in Racine all day yesterday. There was a great turn out and so many local yummy soups. Its quite the event. I even managed to hoist my parent's rear-ends over there to check it out.
My cousin babysat the kids at night (when Randy joined me at the event to serve soup) They were good for her except when she had the audacity to put Wyatt to bed at the proper time. He told her something like he voted and she is cancelled. And the next time daddy invites her over its going to be too bad that she's been cancelled. Lil snot. Yeap, how dare she not let you stay up til midnight little man.
Embarrassing on the parents, but still freakin' funny.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.