Sunday, March 30, 2008

Estate Sale

I went to an Estate Sale on Friday. I always feel so weird about those. You walk into someone else's home and I instantly get the feeling that the last member of that household has just kicked it. (why else would they be selling all their shit?) It usually smells like old people (don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about) and most the stuff (these days) is from the 50s and 60s it seems. Well, at least the one I went to was.
I feel sort of bad, guilty almost. I'm raiding this persons house. For cheap, vintage stuff. I'm looking through all their rooms, touching and looking at all their crap. I was sad going through their house. I think cause the things that were for sale were things that if my grandmother/mother had died, I would want to keep for my children and their children. But I guess you can't take it all with you.
It amazes me how women who's hayday was back in the late 50's early 60's had these perfectly appointed things. This woman had soooo many shoes.... mostly open toe and perfectly kept in pristine condition. And I could tell these shoes were OLD but still new. All these dress gloves, lacy, leather, cloth... dress gloves for God's sake! Handmade aprons LOTS!, These clothes that were sheltered in plastic zip bags hanging in the closet. The sweetest linen night gowns with delicate matching robes, the oldest beauty products I've ever seen -- not to mention the 5 fondue pots from the 60's that could be found all over the house. This lady was an entertainer. She was a real lady. I never knew her, but I'm sad to see her go.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We had a full day. Went to the Kenosha Public museum and the Dinosaur Discovery Museum. There was a man (whom looked like Snata) playing banjo and singing about animals. It was really cute. All the kids were gathered around him, except for mine. Who sat in the chair next to me the whole time occasionally looking away to announce loudly "MOM! THAT LIGHT UP THERE IS BROKEN!! WHY IS THAT LIGHTBULB BROKEN!" Wyatt, its not appropriate to talk about the lights right now. So wierd. Lights/Vents/Fans are like his comfort thing. The thing he resorts to talk about when things are weird different or strange around him. Also, when he doesnt know what else to say/do. Damn Autism, when are you going to go away ?

Anywho. We made homemade pizza dough yesterday. I remember when my mum used to do it it would take all day to rise and it tasted delicious. I made mine in 2 hours total and in my opinion tasted like wood.
Wyatt had fun making it though. He likes to roll it out. We thought we'd be able to flip it in the air Italian Chef style cause it was homemade....not so much. We just splattered flour all over the kitchen.
Tonight the boys started "germinating" our spring veggies. I think thats the word green thumb people use. Wyatt likes to dig in dirt...what boy doesnt.

Speaking of Sailor Boy. Doofus has to go on a training mission for the entire month of June. Lovely. And here I thought "shore duty" meant.. umm.. he stayed on shore ? Urgh. Silly me. Im bitter. Oh well, guess tis' Navy Life for me. Considering we were looking down the throat of actual ground combat Iraq deployment duty - TWICE in the last 6 months, I should be grateful. God knows he and I have lost enough of our friends to this B.S.

I thought Navy men stayed on ships ? Again, silly me.

My favorite Em clip of the day...

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Cost of a Good Education


I like the Montessori idea.... I looked into a local Montessori school - almost $4000.00 a year tuition. yikes.
Better yet...
I looked into a different private school --- almost $11,000 ! Thats almost the cost of one year of college! I had thought to myself... only boob doctor's kids etc can afford that school. But I found people whom I consider my peers (maybe a little older) are able to send their kids there. Wow, really ? How the hell do you pull that off ?? What kind of crazy budget allows you to pay for a mortgage, 2 cars, insurance, other standard bills plus an extra say 1100.00 a month for your kids school while maintaining "regular joe" jobs?
Then I wonder, maybe they have a parental or grandparental benefactor ?
How exactly to these people pull that off ?
Makes me feel like I screwed up somewhere, or I'm not realizing the importance of a stellar elementary/middle school/high school education ? I should be considering elementary education as important as a college education therefore I should be allotting more money to the area of Wyatts tween education ?
URGH... makes my head spin
I think about this all the time. That maybe Randy and I should have waited until we were both more "established" until we had children. When I was 19 my doc told me "If you don't have kids soon, your chances of ever carrying is going to diminish" I had Wyatt when I was 21 because of it. No one regrets children after they've had them, but I do wish that I could have at least finished college before I did, I was so close... and they would probably have a better life. So, its my fault. Got to live with it, and have to make it work.
For Pete's sake, Randy and I still talk about the day we can afford a house that is over 135K or the day we could afford 2 car payments.
I suppose I should get off this blog, and log onto Monster.Com

Friday, March 7, 2008


Weight watchers is going well. I suppose. I've hit a stand still right now. Damn late night boozing. I blame my kids. Yep, my kids. They creep out of bed and run to the fridge and uncork the Merlot, pour and then magically sneak it into my hand - and I say... "WOW! This glass of wine just appeared in my hand. well, best to not let it go to waste." So I drink it. Then I find the rest of the bottle and say "Wow, best to not let THIS go to waste too!" (Those little stinkers snuck out of their rooms EVERY night last week! And viola... we have a 1 lb weight gain last week. And see, I never counted those points because, it wasn't my choice to drink wine every night last week, the kids made me do it.
There we go. A logical explanation for the 1lb weight gain. :) Oh...and by 1lb I mean 4lbs

I had a passion party last week. It was a hoot. My mum came. Never again. I had to hear "This is how I conceived you!" While she points to a lingerie maids outfit. *shutter*
Seriously...there are some things you don't need to know!

Kids are great. Wyatt is able to go to a "regular" 4K this year. (not sure if I blogged about that yet) more Special Ed. My little guy is just about corrected to age. Still needs a little O.T. to help him grasp a utensil/pen the right way, but that's it. So the daunting task of finding a suitable 4K was underway last week. What a freakin' headache that was! All those open houses, Wyatt telling me, "I like the orange school." Why Wyatt?" I say. "Because its orange." he said. Wow. That's a help. Trying to sneak into every 4K classroom in my area to see how its run - not easy to do with the Emma distraction.
No wonder I drank every night last week. (I mean, the kids made me drink last week)

I'm so amazed at how my kids love each other. I mean all siblings should love each other, but they really kind of feed off each other. Emma just sits, smiles and waits for Wyatt to look at her, when he finally does, she's flapping her arms and laughing. And thats just him looking at her! Now, if he makes a face or talks, well then she just tries to crawl onto his lap and camp out there for a while. Its really great.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.