Anywho. We made homemade pizza dough yesterday. I remember when my mum used to do it it would take all day to rise and it tasted delicious. I made mine in 2 hours total and in my opinion tasted like wood.
Wyatt had fun making it though. He likes to roll it out. We thought we'd be able to flip it in the air Italian Chef style cause it was homemade....not so much. We just splattered flour all over the kitchen.

Speaking of Sailor Boy. Doofus has to go on a training mission for the entire month of June. Lovely. And here I thought "shore duty" meant.. umm.. he stayed on shore ? Urgh. Silly me. Im bitter. Oh well, guess tis' Navy Life for me. Considering we were looking down the throat of actual ground combat Iraq deployment duty - TWICE in the last 6 months, I should be grateful. God knows he and I have lost enough of our friends to this B.S.
I thought Navy men stayed on ships ? Again, silly me.
My favorite Em clip of the day...