I went to an Estate Sale on Friday. I always feel so weird about those. You walk into someone else's home and I instantly get the feeling that the last member of that household has just kicked it. (why else would they be selling all their shit?) It usually smells like old people (don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about) and most the stuff (these days) is from the 50s and 60s it seems. Well, at least the one I went to was.
I feel sort of bad, guilty almost. I'm raiding this persons house. For cheap, vintage stuff. I'm looking through all their rooms, touching and looking at all their crap. I was sad going through their house. I think cause the things that were for sale were things that if my grandmother/mother had died, I would want to keep for my children and their children. But I guess you can't take it all with you.
It amazes me how women who's hayday was back in the late 50's early 60's had these perfectly appointed things. This woman had soooo many shoes.... mostly open toe and perfectly kept in pristine condition. And I could tell these shoes were OLD but still new. All these dress gloves, lacy, leather, cloth... dress gloves for God's sake! Handmade aprons LOTS!, These clothes that were sheltered in plastic zip bags hanging in the closet. The sweetest linen night gowns with delicate matching robes, the oldest beauty products I've ever seen -- not to mention the 5 fondue pots from the 60's that could be found all over the house. This lady was an entertainer. She was a real lady. I never knew her, but I'm sad to see her go.