Saturday, January 26, 2008

Preference for Mom

Randy is not allowed to feed Emma. Per Emma's rules. Which means I cannot leave when its time for her to eat. I cannot be gone so long that I would run into a feeding schedule issue.
Don't know why. She's ok with him in general but not when it comes to him feeding her.
It's really hard on him actually. Last night, he attempted to give her the nighttime feeding and she bellowed and bellowed. I was in the other room giving Wyatt his bath, and Randy calls me in to feed her. I take over and Randy goes into the bathroom to help Wyatt out. Wyatt then says "Not You! I want MOM!" Ouch. Poor Randy... double wammy. Sooooo, not sure what to do about that.

The boys had a nice morning just the two of them. They went to see Veggie Tales Pirate movie. No idea what it's called. Wyatt sat through the whole movie (a first!) and then they went to Mc. D's. That's actually the first time Randy and Wyatt have had an "outing" just them two. I think Wyatt is needing our one on one attention more and more now that Em has taken up a small amount of his floor play space. She was ok when she was just sitting in her bouncy, but now that she rolls in the direction of his toys... game over.

Em and I went to my eye appt. Yay! How exciting right? Contacts, glasses misc. fees....close to $300.00 That's insane. If I hadn't signed up for their oh so special club card it would have been more like $500. Urgh. Oh..and I have cornea damage. Lovely.

On a nice note. I was convinced to go to a Weight Watchers thingy. With the exception of me and a few others the meeting consisted of the 70's and up crowd. So I felt a little out of place. Anyway, I joined and its going alright. I don't come no where near my preset amount of "points" each day. Seriously...I don't really eat a lot. My problem is what I eat (wine, pasta, wine, bagels, beer, etc) and when (7, 8, 11pm etc) So.... I have stopped most my vises, and now I feel like I'm constantly hungry. Like I got an itch I can't scratch. At least smaller amounts are satisfying me. That's a great feeling. I kinna like hunger pains.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.