Monday, November 26, 2012

Its a tissy thing.

Wyatt decided a couple months ago that he wanted to play golf.  This comes piggy back to my pestering him about trying a sport.  Im down. I know the kid doesn't like loud and busy. So golf seems perfect.
Class one. Great. Loves golf.
Class two.  So could care less.  He still likes the "golf" part.  Apparently they had played some game, who can putt the ball closest to the hole.  He said he was the only kid that putted too far.
after that, he was done.  Thats what Wyatt told me at least.
I talked to the instructor.  I said "So..... hows it goin"   The dude audibly sighed and said "I dont think he likes being here"  Long story short, the guy said that it doesn't appear that Wyatt is enjoying himself, further, Wyatt will talk during class, but apparently what he talks about has zero to do with what is being discussed- this apparently distracting the other kids.  It doesnt appear that Wyatt is paying attention or wants to be here.
I guess it doesn't surprise me... but....
I told the man, "Please believe me when I tell you that Wyatt is listening. He listens and comprehends what you are saying.  He wont give you eye contact and he'll talk out of context, but he hears you. He came home the first day and repeated and showed me everything you said."
Still... the man suggested that my husband and I shadow Wyatt during class "to see what he is talking about"
Dude..... I didn't think you were lying.  But shadowing ?  Thus singling out the  problem kid by having an in class babysitter?
Im embarrassed to say we havnet been to the last 2 classes- and Wyatt hasn't asked to go.

Im aware. That if I let Wyatt quit something every time it gets hard or he gets frustrated, Im doing him a disservice.  I know. I know. I know it.

But Im weak.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.