Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wyatt the 1st grader

Today was Wyatt's first day of 1st grade!

Wyatt went to school this morning like a champ.


Me: "Wyatt its time to get up!" (opens shades)

Wyatt: "We're going to school in the dark?!"
Me: "No, lets go eat breakfast." (I explained about 1st grade and no snack time and the importance of a big full tummy in the morning.)

Wyatt: "Alright! Lets get tummy fillin!"

He got a special Krispy Kreme treat that daddy left for him and then I made him eat something that did not contain buttloads of sugar after. ;)

He was excited, totally not nervous, not "skeptical" at all. He found his classroom by himself and settled right in. I took a million pictures and said "ok I'm going" as many times. When I finally went:
Me "Ok Wyatt, I'm really going now, be good, I love you"
Wyatt: "Ok Mom, see ya later."

That's it?! That's freakin it?! No whimpering? No tears? No preamble to leaving your lil butt there for 6 hours? Nothing? I was a tad disturbed that my lack of presence in the 1st grade classroom would have stirred up more of a ruckus...but alas, my boy is growing up. So away I went with "something in my eye."

Emma was all tears and yelling. She was angry that she didnt get to go to school too.

2:30pm pick up

Me: "How was your first day!?"

Wyatt: *tsk* "We didnt do anything fun all we did is learn!"

He kept saying that over and over. He did have a good day though, his teacher said he didnt get frustrated until the very very end of the day when it was time to go (all the people leaving wigged him out) He was a happy kid when he left school today though.

It was a fine first day and he is actually looking forward to tomorrow. 100% improvement over last year!

Remember This?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hmmm. One month of living here and we get our very first Hurricane watch. Yippie! Wyatt had just been warming to the idea of tornados...now... meh.
So Im mulling over the city outlined evacuation routes, suggested kit items, things you need to do when the hurricane is imminent, like turning off your own power.
*ahem* Yet another reason for me to hate this place. Stupid hurricanes.
Apparently the Atlantic Fleets official position in the event of hurricanes hitting our coast is to fee to sea. What this means for my family is that I get to wade our the hurricane with 2 kids and Randy gets to go float at sea safely away from the hurricane. Nice huh ?
Do I sound bitter? ha!

Wyatt will be starting school next week. 1st grade! Wow. I dont feel the "wow, where has the time gone" thing. I feel more a proudness for the situation. Wyatt has his "skeptical" face on when it comes to school. Im hoping this year goes more smoothly than last year for him.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.