Our Christmas tree went ass over tea kettle tonight. Seriously, it just went "Tiiimmmmmbeeeeer!" And down it came. Luckily, the kids werent around it when it went. I can't even imagine if they had been under the damn thing.
I held myself together really well until I started to pick the tree up and saw both the kids 1st christmas ornaments were smashed, our 1st home 2005 was smashed along with anything else that was glass. Sucks. Its the ones I had memories attached to that were hard. Sooo... I sobbed like a baby. I hope I didn't traumatize Wyatt's friend Gabe, whom I was babysitting at the time. (Did Gabe tell you all about it Carrie?)
So, yea. Wyatt was in shock. Didnt seem too phased, honestly, he was trying to hold me together. "It was a nice tree mom" Thanks bud. ;)
Almost wish I had pictures, Im sure in retrospect this will be funny, but for right now, Im halfway through the scotch.
Merry Christmas to all and to all aaahh screw it.