Friday, September 5, 2008


We went to the Dells for a little mini-vacation last week. We stayed at the Polynesian, and I think that's going to be our new Dells Vacation place. It was really chill and laid back, not too crazy, not over-whelming and the best strawberry daiquiris and piƱa colada's EVER! We didn't do a whole lot of stuff outside the hotel, but we did, mine for gemstones, saw the Bartlett Exploratory (like a science center) and played some mini-golf.
Wyatt picked up a new phrase while there... "In vacation land, we get to eat whatever we want!"
Give ya 2 guesses who he picked that up from ;) Yea, I don't know if I blogged it, but Randy (who is just sooooo fat) and I started South Beach "officially" I've lost 10lbs, Randy 4. We didn't even think to attempt South Beach while on vacation, and it was nice to cheat a little.

So, Wyatt and Emma's 1st big pool/water slide experience. Wyatt was cautious, as always, warming up gradually. Emma's first trot in the kiddie pool, looked something like this:

And seriously, she spent most of her time under the water. That kid gave me 100 heart attacks. She had no fear, and when she would come up blinded by the water in her eyes, she would just giggle and laugh.

Some Random Picture's...

Wyatt Mining for Rocks

He was so fasinated with this Jacob's Ladder

Wyatt was SOOO mad that I "lost my body"

Getting Dumped on

Down the Slide!

Yep, you got it lined up!

This is how you're supposed to hold it right ?

Either he was mad we were leaving, or this pirate dude was really scary.

2 seconds after this was taken, she realized what she was next to and started to scream

1st Roller Coaster @ knuckleheads

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.