Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Emma's 5th Birthday

Hello Super Emma!

Today is your 5th Birthday! (7-5-12) Your Golden Birthday!  We are spending it in Kenosha WI.  You woke up in my old bedroom at Grandma and Grandpas house. It was decorated with streamers. (Batman Colors)  You were so excited! The first thing you said was "Its my Birthday! Did you know that, Mom??"  (Yes, love...26 hours of labor isn't something I'd soon forget in 5 years time.)

We bought you Slushie Magic and a Honda Ride on motorcycle. Its the only things you have been consistently asking for.  As you never ask for a thing ... ever... we thought we'd best make your birthday wish come true!

We spent the day at Stonefire. Its a really neat place that has a lot of fun games to play and things to do.  We spent 5 hours there.... just sayin.

You came home to a surprise party with your Wisconsin family & friends in attendance.  You freaked...but in a freaked out sort of way.  Everyone yelled "surprise!" and you halted, went wide eyed, then backed away out of the door. It was awesome. It took some coaxing, but you eventually came inside.  Its really strange what you'll react to and how. 

At 5, you are fearless.  Which scares the crap out of your dad and I. You'll talk to anyone, about anything.  You haven't a spec of conversational filter.  I really do admire that, but when you ask mommy's friend- whom is homeschooling- why her kids don't go to "real" school (I know what you meant, but still) and ask the dude in a wheelchair... "where did the rest of your leg go?"  I think we need to work a bit harder on that.  Its to the point I'm sort of terrified whenever you start to talk to someone.  Ha! That reminds me...when you asked the guy in the wheel chair about his leg... he told you it was bitten off by a giant crocodile. You thought that was super interesting...then he said "But the leg is nothing compared to my thumb!" Then he did the "thumb-comes-off" trick... Your jaw hit the ground!  It was freakin priceless!

You are very protective over Wyatt.  No one talks bad about "my Wyatt"  In fact, if Wyatt is teasing you and I punish him - you get mad at me. Cause... you never want Wyatt to be sad or hurt.

Towards the end of preschool this year, you became super affectionate.  You hug. You make eye contact. You snuggle. All things that prior to preschool, you didn't do.  Its really great.  You'll grab your special blanket (dubbed special blanket, cause that's what Wyatt calls his) and curl up on your dad or me.  I never want to forget this.

You LOVE school. (I pray that you stay in this mindset) You adored your preschool teacher, Ms. Reese. And you loved your classmates.

You hate having your hair done.  You prefer to let your long hair fly fly fly.  It figures... that's just your personality.  You usually look like we don't brush your hair because of it.  I don't care. You are a really happy kid. You tell people you are a tom boy. For the most part thats true enough. You like dirt, monster trucks, Batman... but when you need to pull out the stops to get your point across... your pout is all little girl.

You're active. Very active. You like to run. And run. And run some more.  Ride your bike, bounce...constantly.  You are always on your toes....literally.

You have a bite. A very feisty side. You were born with it. You're just starting to learn how to channel it. Hopefully you'll one day use your powers for good. ;)

You are bright, smart, loving and you are my pride.  Happy Birthday dear love.

Your "Ma"

When he's darn good and ready

There are a lot of things that I push for my kids to complete.  Then there are some things that I figure, "They wont go to college doing that..."  Example: binky sucking, pooing in a diaper, carrying a blanket, etc.  I try to pick my battles with them.  One of those things have been training wheels.  When they're ready, they're ready.  I expected to use some sort of gentle prodding, you know, lining things up just so, so that it becomes their decision?  
Randy "gently" suggested to Wyatt, that the training wheels may be becoming more of a hindrance than a help. "I think you may go faster if they were off"  That was it from Randy's end. 
Wyatt walks into the house, Hi Mom, gets his wrench, goes back outside.
Without a stinkin word he took of his own training wheels and gave it a try.  And that was that. 

I asked him later "What made you take them off?"  he told me, "I wanted to see if Dad was right."


About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.