Monday, June 23, 2008

The Thrill of the Hunt

Randy has been on his fishing kick. He gets fishing fever every May and it lasts until the end of October. We've come to a point now, where the fishing poles have their very own spot in our car where they stay "just in case" we find a good fishing spot. (on the way home from the grocery store, on the way back from grandma's, on the way to the hospital cause I have a fishing lure stuck in my finger) Anyway....our favorite go-to spot is Anderson Pond in Kenosha. Its where I went as a kid. They stock it full of fish in May, so you always leave there with a fish or at least a catch.

He's trying to instill this love of fishing in Wyatt. Wyatt.....will do a good 1st cast and will be content for about 10 minutes, (or less if he gets a catch) then its all about the "fishin' snacks". He just needs that one first catch and he's done. He'll then stroll along the shore eating his Chex mix, checkin' in on dad "How ya doin' dad" "Good Wyatt" "Don't step in goose poop dad" "I won't Wyatt"
If dad catches a fish its "Good Job dad!"

Friday, June 20, 2008

Can it be ?

A CURL ??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I put Wyatt in Kiddie Korner for the summer. Its just a fun little camp type thing for 4-6 year olds that he goes to for the morning. They play games do crafts, etc, etc.

I watched Wyatt the first 2 days. I watched him run off, crawl off, do noodle legs. If they were all standing in the circle holding hands, Wyatt was in the middle of the circle, sitting. He was the only one to do that. I waited a few times before I got out of the car to talk to him about it. I did this for 2 days. The girls (college chicks run this thing) seemed sweet and I told them if he gets to be where its too much with the running around call me, I'll come get him. They said, he was doing great and they can handle it.

Today was the first day I didn't watch him from a far. When I came to pick him up there was new girl there and she comes to me and asks "Have you considered getting Wyatt an aide?" (Im thinking this new girl drew the short straw) As my heart sank I gave her a firm "No. He's never needed an aide." Then she went into this obviously rehearsed-in-her-head speech about how "they are surrounded by a street and how if 1 aide is the the bathroom with another kid, it only leaves 1 of them to watch the kids, and they are concerned for his safety when he runs away. He is very well-behaved, he just runs away." She said some student teachers like themselves are aides and it would be free. So, I told her give me the name of someone and I'll look into it.
So does this mean I have to keep him away till we get the aide? I feel sick.

Mind you, Wyatt has automatic street brakes. He never goes into the street (knock on wood) I completely understand what she is saying though. And Wyatt and I have talked about it since the first day. And every morning he tells me "Im not gonna run away, Im going to play with every body and NOT sit" It's also not fair that one teacher has to stop what shes doing to go retrieve my kid who thinks its hilarious that she's "chasing him" He really isn't naughty. He's not a bad kid. He's just on a different path. He loves kiddie korner he tells me.

I just wanted to give him some normalcy. Not to be the kid that has an adult helping him function during class. To be around kids that are not mentally disabled. To see how they play and interact and to have him interact in the same way.

Maybe the longing for normalcy was for me.

Monday, June 2, 2008


My kids are sick.

Lil M has the start of an ear infection. The 3rd one in her life, and her Doc is sending us to an E.N.T doc to discuss the possibility of tubes. Ack.
She is miserable. Her molar gums and her front top gums are all swollen, she's drooly, fever, poor thing, those teeth are giving her such a hard time. She will just wimper and there is NOTHING I can do for her. Nothing I do works to soothe her. It sucks. For me and her. :(

Wyatt......has pink eye. Urgh. How the hell do you get pink eye ? Im mean, seriously. Oooh, thats where my itchy eye came from. yesh. He's pretty intrigued by the term pink eye. He thinks it means that his eye is getting fancy. Don't ask me where he picks this stuff up.

On an up note. The safety fair was a success. More than 10 people showed up so Im happy. Whew.

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.