Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I'm late posting this.

Emma had her tonsil and adenoid surgery Nov. 11

All things considered she did beautifully. She wasn't really scared or anything. The hospital was a great children's hospital here so they had all the fun bells and whistles for distraction. Emma's favorite was a TV that swung anyway she wanted it while she was in bed. Cartoons 4 inches from her face....greeeeeeat.

After surgery, she was crying at first. Scared mostly I think. Then when I got there and she snuggled in she was just quiet. Loved her Popsicles.

She got a grand exit in the wagon. She thought that was pretty cool. Sat in there like the freakin Queen of England.
After she got home the boys had loved on her with flowers a balloon and a "Get Well" ribbon.
The first 2 days after surgery she was talking and eating her soft food just fine. In fact, she would even ask for the crunchy food and we'd have to tell her no and watch her pout.
But, about the 3rd day after surgery she started to really feel the ouch. 6Th day was worse. Its like all the numbys had worn off and she was hurting.
The one thing I don't want to forget about this surgery is how different her voice is now. Before, she was so nasally. Deeper voice. Now she has this high tinkly little voice. A real little girl voice. Imagine, lollipop guild meets helium, but in a good way. Its great.
The very very best part is this. Randy went to check on her 2 weeks back while she was sleeping. When he came out he said "Do you know what I heard in Emma's room?" "What?" I said. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." This is the greatest thing. Before she snored, awful. She'd stop breathing then would gasp when she "remembered" to breathe again. Not hearing a sound while she's sleeping, is priceless.

This is a video from after surgery. She has finally woken up a bit to eat her 1st popscicle. She was doing this super weird tongue thing. Then saying even weirder things. "Bust off!"

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.