Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My little Man

Happy Birthday to Wyatt. Turned 6 years old on the 5th of February. (Yes I've been THAT busy where its taken me this long to write about it)

He got a bike :)

We celebrated his birthday twice. Once while daddy was still here and then again on his real birthday. I honestly believe I was just trying to overcompensate because I feel guilty that Randy will be gone until June and wasn't here on his birthday.

So. We had a "Mario Kart Cake" complete with Lego retaining wall. And the "Green Smiley Cake" To each his own I say. He loved them and had a big hand in making both.

Hard to believe he's 6 and will be in first grade next fall. Its so cliche to say that it goes by fast, but by God does it ever.

At this age you have an astoundingly profound understanding of the world around you. You see things in your world that most folks are too busy to see or bother to understand. Its refreshing to see things out of your eyes.
You continue to entertain us all with your quips and humor. I have a whole journal dedicated to your Wyattisms.
You are not a naughty child. In fact, you skirt around naughty like no other. I tell everyone to imagine naughty as a ball. Now, instead of kicking that ball, you just sort of brush it with your toe. For example: You were mad and crumbled something all over the table. When I told you to clean it you told me calmly "I will not. Not ever. I will not clean that up." I grabbed for your Lego car and said, (Like the mature adult in the situation I am) "Clean that up, or I'll smash this car." You looked at me calmly and said "That's ok, I have the instructions." There, right there, you took all my power away. You disarmed me. That is your brand of naughty. Its truly entertaining and patronizing all at the same time.

You're a very charming child. I hope you never lose your unique character. In your words and as you always tell me, "You're a rockstar. You'll always be a rockstar. And you'll always be beautiful."

About Me

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Im the mother of a 7 yr. old and a 10 year old. Married for 100 years to a sailor. Formally a criminal justice student that got lots of sleep and laid on a bed not covered in goldfish crackers.