Emma is well. She has finally started to put 2 word combo's together. Ya know, for as much as I talk and read to these kids, you'd think that their speech would be the first thing to develop and excel?
Something about M. I think that there is a satellite radio that is piped into her brain playing a little ditty. That girl will just be walking along... stop... give a little bounce, jingle with some deep shoulder action... then go about her merry way. Strangest damn thing. If you tell her "shimmy shimmy" She will do something that looks like the twist and she'll do it all the way to the floor. Too darn cute. I think... dance lessons for Christmas? If anything it would give her an outlet for her overflowing dance/wiggle/shimmy energy.
Other things. Mum and her dog (who has shat on my Persian Rug... not once... but twice...) has come to stay with us for a bit. It has been interesting. Let's pray mum can get hired soon. Pray Hard. Very Hard. Very, very hard. If you're not the praying kind.... drink... drink a lot for me.
Thank You!